With more than 60 years of existence, an extensive network of alumni and member schools, the FEDEration for European Education / Fédération Européenne des Ecoles (FEDE) is today present in 39 countries. Recognized by European stakeholders, professionals and recruiters, the FEDE drives a model of progress for education.
The FEDE is an International Non-Governmental Organization, with participatory status in the Council of Europe, a driving force in the creation of a common space for higher education on an international scale.
The FEDE is a network of nearly 500 private higher education and professional training establishments sharing a common project of requirement, quality and innovation, resolutely open to the world.
FEDE offers 170 diplomas in 12 areas of expertise, developed with professionals, designed with them and for them. Choosing a FEDE diploma means preparing yourself for the jobs of today and tomorrow!
61 years of experience, a network of more than 500 establishments, influential European and international partners
La FEDE est partenaire de …


Claude Vivier Le Got, Présidente de la FEDE
La FEDE est un réseau de 500 établissements privés d’enseignement supérieur et de formation professionnelle partageant un projet commun d’exigence, de qualité et d’ambition : celui de mettre l’étudiant au cœur de son projet pédagogique.
By offering a range of professional training courses that are certified and appreciated by European stakeholders, FEDE schools are participating in a major project: that of creating a vast area of higher education in Europe and, more generally, in the world.
As close as possible to new educational practices, with a structured network of member schools and former students, meeting European standards and recognized by professionals and recruiters, FEDE schools prepare for the jobs of today and tomorrow.
Join a FEDE school:
- It means choosing a school that believes in the complementarity between the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, the mastery of professional skills and openness to the world.
- It is acquiring professional codes through immersion in the company
- It’s building an ambitious professional project that is resolutely open to the world
Are you looking for a specific school?
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