As an author of 15 different works, François-Bernard Huyghe, a member of the honorary committee of the FEDE, has a very rich writing and editorial life.

And the publications to  come?
I have just published a work entitled « La Désinformation : les armes du faux » (édition Armand Colin) ( “Disinformation: The weapons of falsehood“, published by Armand Colin), as well as revue 49 of the Medium entitled « Quelle guerre, quelle victoire » (“Which war, which  victory?”).

Va Press will be publishing in April 2017 a book entitled, « Daech : l’arme de la communication », (“Isis, the Weapon of communication”). I am  also in the process of writing an enquiry baptised : La Post Vérité (édition Armand Colin) (“Post –Truth”, published by Armand Colin).

Writing is far from  being your only activity?
Yes, that’s true, I taught at the Celsa University Paris IV-Sorbonne, at the Ecole  Polytechnique, on the virtual campus of the University of Limoges and at the ICOMTEC (The Information-Communication hub of the Institute of Business Administration at Poitiers). Today, I am  the Research  Director of the Institute of International  Relations (IRIS) where I created the Geostrategic Observatory of on-line information. I am also involved as an instructor and consultant for Huyghe Infostratégie Sarl.