Boris Noyet : « My double culture is of huge value »

Boris Noyet  has written the article about the Y and Z generations in one of the publications of the FEDE (« L’homme et L’Europe ») (Mankind and Europe) Here he introduces himself and reminds us of his training and his expertise regarding the RSE (Societal Responsibility of Businesses). What studies have you undertaken and what is your current employment ? My studies took the form of a joint degree, which was both technical (a Masters degree in design and digital communication) and a University based degree (a masters degree in educational sciences).   It’s because of the specific nature of my joint qualifications that I work  at the moment in charge of, and responsible for, RSE at the heart of the communication/RSE  department of « Française des Jeux » ( The French states gambling operator) [lire plus]

Boris Noyet : « My double culture is of huge value »2023-02-23T15:30:57+01:00

The FEDE celebrates Europe!

On 9th May, more than any other day, the FEDE celebrates Europe and vigorously reiterates its attachment to the shared and founding values of the European project: a day for knowledge, a day for the youth, a day for citizenship, a day for peace, a day for progress… All over Europe, the FEDE associates with all events and initiatives that embrace these values, pursue these ideals and celebrate the ideas of success, trust and solidarity. In addition, the FEDE team will be present this Saturday 13th May at the front court of the Paris City Hall for Europe Day organised by the City of Paris, House of Europe in Paris, the European Commission Representation Office in France and the European Parliament Information Office in France.

The FEDE celebrates Europe!2024-01-26T15:18:57+01:00
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