What did you study?
I’ve always had a strong international focus. I have a Master’s in International Affairs (Université du Littoral), an MBA from Westford Grenoble and a BTS in International Trade.
What have been the highlights of your career?
I’ve been fortunate enough to acquire a great deal of professional experience over the past 20 years. In particular, I’ve worked in the finance and administration services of a number of international companies, including Hewlett Packard, Caterpillar and Schneider Electric.
Why did you decide to enrol in the FEDE DBA?
It’s not easy for women to build a career in international relations, and I wish to demonstrate that the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity to iron out certain inequalities. I’m referring to the wage gap, of course, but also to the underrepresentation of women in top management roles. My aim in enrolling in the DBA is to develop my knowledge and increase my self-confidence so as to become an expert in gender equality in companies.