In 2012, Jean Frédéric Minatchy set up a firm specialised in training (coaching and professional mentoring). He has also continued his career as a teacher, lecturing at Néoma Business School and the Université de La Réunion, where he has supervised bachelor’s and master’s dissertations. He also has taught marketing and human resources management at the training department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Réunion.
Jean Frédéric Minatchy has two master’s degrees: one in economics, administration and management (Panthéon-Sorbonne University) and the other, awarded by the FEDE, in business management and strategy. He also has two Global Executive MBA degrees (from IFG Paris/San Francisco Executive Education and IAE (Sorbonne Business School). He is also a certified coach. In fact, he intends to keep on learning all his life, as is demonstrated by his enrolment in a DBA.
Jean Frédéric Minatchy’s DBA thesis will focus on the following research question: ‘How might managers, with the support of human resources, mentor their colleagues in order to help them find meaning in their work and create shared, sustainable values?’ In a nutshell, he will be reflecting on a human and proactive mode of team management.