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So far Trang BUI has created 455 blog entries.

Sandrine Malozon: an educational manager in charge of well-being

Meet Sandrine Malozon, member of the managerial team at the Ecole des sciences et techniques commerciales (ESTC) in Marseille. What did you study? I have a PhD in sociology (with a focus on education) from the Université Marc Bloch in Strasbourg (2014). I also have a DEA from the Université d’Aix-en-Provence. My research focuses on inequality in what and where people choose to study. What have been the highlights of your career?  I’ve always taught. Following my DEA I taught French at a college in Strasbourg. Later, from 2010-2016, I was lecturer and researcher at the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce d’Amiens, where I headed a department researching workplace behaviour. What is your current job role?  I’m Education and Quality Manager. My role can involve anything from designing programmes, providing student [lire plus]

Sandrine Malozon: an educational manager in charge of well-being2023-02-23T15:26:57+01:00

Solenn Thomas: ‘Companies can and must reconcile human and economic concerns.’

Solenn Thomas is a managerial staff recruitment consultant at Alexander Hughes. Her job? To headhunt exceptional, high-potential professionals. She is also founder of the Eklore Festival, which brought together 1000 innovative entrepreneurs at the Paris City Hall last year.      What did you study and what have been the highlights of your career? I’m a graduate of the Ecole de commerce de Clermont (2004). I also have a bachelor’s in philosophy (Aix-en-Provence, 2003). I’m currently a member of the course committee for the professional master’s in philosophy (Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne University). And since 2006 I’ve been a recruitment consultant at Alexander Hughes, specialising in headhunting strategic French and European managerial staff. So you’re active both in France and abroad? Yes. I help large corporations recruit experts and strategists – particularly exceptional, [lire plus]

Solenn Thomas: ‘Companies can and must reconcile human and economic concerns.’2023-02-23T15:26:58+01:00

Hommage au père fondateur Erasmus Domenico Lenarduzzi

Domenico Lenarduzzi est décédé le 2 décembre dernier. À cette occasion la présidente de la FEDE Claude Vivier Le Got tient à exprimer toute sa sympathie à sa famille mais plus largement aussi à rappeler à tous à quel point le message qu’il a porté toute sa vie, synonyme d’ouverture et de tolérance, est encore aujourd’hui au cœur de tous les enjeux de l’éducation. Considéré par beaucoup comme le père du programme européen Erasmus, Domenico Lenarduzzi était avant tout un européen convaincu. Turinois de naissance, c’est en Belgique qu’il avait trouvé refuge avec sa famille pendant la guerre où il sera diplômé de l’université catholique de Louvain. Il entre ensuite comme fonctionnaire dans les années 60 auprès de la commission européenne, et gravit petit à petit les échelons. Persuadé qu’il [lire plus]

Hommage au père fondateur Erasmus Domenico Lenarduzzi2023-02-23T15:26:58+01:00

Patrick Barberet: ‘I like to teach using games.’

Patrick Barberet is a regular and active participant at the FEDE’s general assemblies. Meet this e-learning manager from the institution ESOAD – a self-proclaimed fan of educational games. What did you study? I have a degree in trade and management from the French Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, though frankly I’m committed to ongoing education. These days I am constantly learning about neuroscience and game-based education. It’s possible I will try to obtain a degree in one of these domains in the future. What have been the highlights of your career? After finishing school I spent five years in the marketing department of an American IT company (digital technology). After that I worked as consultant trainer for a training firm (ADK). Finally I founded two institutions – the Institut [lire plus]

Patrick Barberet: ‘I like to teach using games.’2023-02-23T15:26:59+01:00

Nicolas Piqué: a brilliantly unusual career…

Nicolas Piqué does not have a typical background. Meet this FEDE member who has transformed his institution (the Institut Rousseau) into a FEDE examination centre.  What did you study? My studies were quite unusual. I initially completed a university-level sandwich programme in climate engineering, whereas nowadays I manage several higher educational institutions. Would have been the highlights of your career? What is your current job role? I worked for several years at Quercy, a climate engineering firm. I moved up the ranks and was finally named Business Manager. It was after 11 years in the same sector that I had the opportunity to switch career path: I joined the Écoles Billières group in 2011, taking up the post of Recruitment and Business Relations Manager. Thanks to my experience in management, [lire plus]

Nicolas Piqué: a brilliantly unusual career…2023-02-23T15:26:59+01:00

Karim Dehimi: ‘The FEDE General Assembly was a wonderful experience.’

Karim Dehimi, ‘educational entrepreneur’ and Deputy Director of the Université Wesford, Geneva, spoke enthusiastically about the recent FEDE General Assembly. Read our interview with him below. Can you tell us about your education? I have a Master’s in Management Sciences (Université Pierre Mendes-France, Grenoble) and have also successfully completed a course in quality management (Institut Optimum, Switzerland). What have been the highlights of your career? I began my career in education after working for many years in industry (with a focus on precision mechanics). I set up my first educational institution in Annecy in 2006. For over 13 years I’ve also managed holding companies and higher educational institutions. And I teach management and business administration for companies and craft trades chambers. What is your current job role? I’m director of [lire plus]

Karim Dehimi: ‘The FEDE General Assembly was a wonderful experience.’2023-02-23T15:27:00+01:00

Jean-Michel Riobé: a (late-blooming) passion for education

General Director of Education for the ICOGES Group and Director of the ICOGES Paris campus, Jean Michel Riobé chose to dedicate his vast professional experience to teaching students. Meet this former food-sector manager who went on to catch the education bug… What did you study?  I have a master’s-level degree in marketing, a research degree, and a DESS CAAE (Certificat d’Aptitudes à l’Administration des Entreprises) degree from the Institut d’Administration des Entreprises, Nantes (France) – this last qualification no longer exists; it is now called an MBA. What have been the highlights of your career? Having worked as a successful food-industry sales representative, I went on to become manager of a profit centre before opening a credit management firm. I managed the firm for ten years then handed it over [lire plus]

Jean-Michel Riobé: a (late-blooming) passion for education2023-02-23T15:27:00+01:00

Daniel Toupenet, Director of Autograf

Tell us about your studies. I have a DEA in plastic arts (supervised by Edmond Couchot) and in philosophy. I’ve also independently studied multimedia production. What have been the highlights of your career? I joined Autograf in 1998 as Multimedia Project Manager. I became Director of Education in 2000 and Director General in 2005. Throughout I have taught philosophy, history of art and photography. I am pleased to say I am now the proud owner of Autograf. What sets your institution apart? Autograf is a friendly, professional place. Out teaching and admin teams are highly approachable, available and attentive to the needs of everyone – students, teachers, parents and visitors. All our teachers are highly experienced, with specialist knowledge, professional experience and proven teaching skills. What was your experience of [lire plus]

Daniel Toupenet, Director of Autograf2023-02-23T15:27:01+01:00

Anne Barbier : ‘My two passions are science and people.’

Dean of the Ecole Minerva, a Swiss institution dedicated to health professions, Anne Barbier recently became a member of the FEDE Committee. Read our interview with a scientist who is passionate about people. Can you tell us about your education? After a French D.E.A degree in biochemistry (University of Besançon), I went on to obtain a PhD, also in biochemistry, at Poincaré de Nancy University (1998). I have also recently obtained what we call in Switzerland a ‘sector qualification’ – in my case a teaching diploma. What has been the highlight of your career? After obtaining my PhD, I was lead research assistant at the faculty of medicine at Lausanne. I also did some teaching. But quite honestly it was later, at the Ecole Minerva, that I discovered my passion [lire plus]

Anne Barbier : ‘My two passions are science and people.’2023-02-23T15:27:01+01:00

Ahmed Benjelloun: a teacher and researcher with a passion for communication!

Teacher and author Ahmed Benjelloun has a PhD in economics and management. As Director of Communications at the ISTH (a tourism and hospitality institute founded by his family) in Fès, Morocco, he is a keen innovator. Meet him below. What did you study? I have a vocational bachelor’s degree in international management plus a research master’s in management sciences (I specialised in marketing, logistics and international trade) from the Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion, Fès, Morocco. In July 2018 I also obtained (with distinction) a PhD in economics and management from Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fès. My thesis title was ‘Cultural Marketing as a Vehicle for Promoting the City of Fès’. Can you tell us more about your career? From the very beginning of my higher education [lire plus]

Ahmed Benjelloun: a teacher and researcher with a passion for communication!2023-02-23T15:27:02+01:00
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