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So far Trang BUI has created 455 blog entries.

The Academic Council has gained a new member: Coralia Cotoraci

Rector of the Vasile Goldiş University (UVVG) in Arad, Romania, Coralia Cotoraci is a medical professional and renowned teacher. She has just joined the FEDE’s Academic Council. In addition to a PhD (thesis title ‘Morphological and Evolving Clinical Aspects of Myelodysplastic Syndromes’), Coralia Cotoraci also has a master’s in psychology and psychotherapy. Well known in the medical sector in Romania, she specialises in internal medicine (haematology) and teaches haematology, bioethics and medical ethics at the faculties of medicine, pharmacy and dental surgery of the University of Arad. A participant in numerous international research projects, Coralia Cotoraci has completed her professional profile with experience in team and general management. She currently heads the haematology department of the Arad Regional Emergency Hospital, where she manages a large team of medical and administrative [lire plus]

The Academic Council has gained a new member: Coralia Cotoraci2023-02-23T15:27:02+01:00

FEDE Informative Sessions

FEDE regularly holds informative breakfasts. Due to the current situation related to the Covid-19, the breakfasts are organized in the form of webinars. Five subjects will be addressed during the webinars: Qualifications registered in the RNCP 2. Professional skills certificates registered in the French RNCP or RS 3. the FEDE Language Certificate 4. the FEDE accreditation 5.  The FEDE approval Offer bachelor’s, master’s and MBA degrees that earn your students qualifications registered in the French RNCP (Répertoire National de la Certification Professionnelle) The FEDE currently offers two level-seven qualifications (IT Project Manager and Human Resources Director) and one level-six qualification (Marketing and Commercial Manager) registered in the RNCP and enjoying European recognition. The qualifications are available in English and French and can be obtained over one or more years of [lire plus]

FEDE Informative Sessions2023-02-23T15:27:03+01:00

Cathy Leblanc: musicologist-philosopher, musician and author at the FEDE

Cathy Leblanc has a PhD and post-doctoral degree in philosophy. In addition to teaching at Lille-3 University, she is also a musician. A proud new addition to the FEDE’s Academic Council! Can you tell us more about your studies? I have a DEUG, a bachelor’s, a master’s and a DEA in English (Lille-3 University, 2001). I also have a bachelor’s and master’s in philosophy (Lille-3 University, 1997). I obtained my thesis (2007) and post-doctoral degree in philosophy (2009) at the Institut Catholique, Paris. What have been the highlights of your career? I have been teaching British civilisation at Lille-3 University since 1998. I initially worked with musicology students (I taught in English on Shakespeare and music), then economics and management students (globalisation) and history students (civilisation: invasions, the British constitution, [lire plus]

Cathy Leblanc: musicologist-philosopher, musician and author at the FEDE2023-02-23T15:30:34+01:00

Dalenda Tak Tak: ‘I am a practising humanist.’

Dalenda Tak Tak is Director-General of CESA Sup. This conversation with her during the FEDE’s 2019 General Assembly demonstrates her erudition, humility and warmheartedness. Can you tell us about your education? I have a BTS in Tourism and a Master’s in Human Resources. I’ve also recently obtained a qualification in professional coaching from Paris-8 University. In fact, I’ve never stopped studying! I read, I attend lectures and, all in all, am committed to lifelong learning. What have been the highlights of your career? I’ve been Director-General of the Institut Maxime in Paris and of Marriott International, a luxury American hotel chain. And now? These days I focus on teaching. I try to make my management and human resources students aware of the importance of soft skills. And whilst we’re on [lire plus]

Dalenda Tak Tak: ‘I am a practising humanist.’2023-02-23T15:30:34+01:00

Victor Towo Kamga, a specialist in law and public finance, has joined the Academic Council.

The FEDE is delighted to count the lawyer Victor Towo Kamga amongst the members of its Academic Council. A senior staff member at the French Directorate General of Public Finances, Victor Towo Kamga will provide the FEDE’s existing experts with specialist knowledge on African issues, public finance and law. What and where did you study? In September 1993 I obtained an advanced degree (French DEA) in contentious law, graduating top of my year. In 2005 I completed a PhD in law at the University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne. Since then I have not stopped learning: on 5 December 2013, after undergoing the necessary professional ethics review in Paris, I obtained a professional lawyer’s certificate and was sworn in by the Bar of Beauvais. What have been the highlights of your career? As temporary [lire plus]

Victor Towo Kamga, a specialist in law and public finance, has joined the Academic Council.2023-02-23T15:30:35+01:00

World NGO Day

On 27 February the FEDE attended the World NGO Day debate organised by the Conference of INGOs. The debate was entitled ‘Why do we need NGOs? (I)NGO contribution to the work and to the mandate of the Council of Europe’. In today’s Europe, democratic principles are being increasingly challenged. The debate of 27 February was an opportunity for civil society representatives, diplomats, students and Council of Europe staff to reaffirm the central role of NGOs in defending human rights, democracy and the rule of law. In close contact with citizens, NGOs work hard to find fresh solutions to contemporary challenges linked to education and culture, migration, the respect of fundamental rights, climate change and many others. The FEDE is proud to belong to the Council of Europe’s Conference of INGOs, [lire plus]

World NGO Day2024-01-26T15:14:56+01:00

Blerina Zoto: an Albanian Francophile fighting for the dignity of minority populations

Blerina Zoto (MA, University of Montesquieu Bordeaux IV) is a humanitarian worker. What have been the highlights of your career? Throughout my career, and especially over the past ten years, I have held posts in the Albanian government. I have worked to defend human rights generally and the rights of Roma populations more specifically, striving both to advance their economic development and to increase their social integration. What was your main role within the Albanian government? As part of my position as Director of the technical secretariat of the Albanian Ministry for Social Protection and Youth, I had the honour of representing the Albanian government at the United Nations and European institutions. At the Council of Europe I was named ‘national expert on Roma-related issues’ (CAHROM) and ‘member of the [lire plus]

Blerina Zoto: an Albanian Francophile fighting for the dignity of minority populations2023-02-23T15:30:35+01:00

Breakfast information session

Following the success of the first breakfast information sessions, the FEDE will organize a special session on Wednesday 20 February from 9 to 10.30 a.m. Reserved for FEDE members, this informal session aims to provide institutions with information on how to extend or supplement their course catalogues. They are also an excellent opportunity to talk with FEDE staff and fellow members. The following presentations will be given: (1) FEDE professional certificates: expanding your course catalogue Why not offer professional training courses in your institution? The FEDE’s professional certificates are registered in the CNCP inventory. They allow course takers to obtain an official certificate proving their skills. Tailored to the contemporary workplace, the certificates are recognised by professionals, recruiters and economic actors. They can be offered either as self-standing qualifications (continuing education) [lire plus]

Breakfast information session2023-02-23T15:30:36+01:00

Anthony Mahe: why the humanities are good for business[

Director of Research at Eranos, Anthony Mahe has a PhD (2010) in sociology from Paris Descartes University. A business-savvy academic, he has just joined the FEDE’s Panel of Experts. What exactly did you study at university? My thesis was on bank debt. Written in collaboration with GE Money Bank, it was funded by a CIFRE (Conventions Industrielles de Formation pour la Recherche) grant awarded by the ANRT (Agence Nationale pour la Recherche). I now realise that my thesis had some indirect links to the FEDE! Michel Maffesoli, Director of GE Money Bank at the time, is now a member of the FEDE’s Academic Council, and Clarisse Angelier, Delegate General of the ANRT, is a member of the Panel of Experts. What have been the highlights of your career? After working [lire plus]

Anthony Mahe: why the humanities are good for business[2023-02-23T15:30:36+01:00

Stéphane Solotareff: physicist and psychologist at the FEDE

Cyberneticist and psychologist Stéphane Solotareff has had an unusual career path. A graduate of the French engineering school CentraleSupélec (1977), he went on to obtain a PhD in theoretical physics (1979) following publication of his report to the French Academy of Sciences. He is also a graduate of the Institut de Haute Finance, where he wrote his dissertation on economic systems (1990). In 1994 he qualified as dielian (based on the theories of Paul Diel) therapist. In 2007 Professor Solotareff created a socio-cognitive method for analyzing company personnel – a method that he went on to apply in major companies such as ITW, IBM, Legrand and others. His systemic approach to psychology has enabled him to work on a range of HR topics. He now works exclusively on the psychology [lire plus]

Stéphane Solotareff: physicist and psychologist at the FEDE2023-02-23T15:30:37+01:00
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