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So far Trang BUI has created 455 blog entries.

Sylvie LE RAY-BURIMI: a specialist in art in warfare

Sylvie Le Ray Burimi has written an article about the history of art and the European construction in a FEDE publication entitled “Man and Europe”. Please find below a brief outline of this specialist in art in warfare: Sylvie Le Ray Burimi, Head curator in Cultural Heritage holds a Masters degree (2) in the history of art (Lyon 3) and a diploma graduate of the Ecole du Patrimoine (School of Cultural Heritage). Head of the department of paintings and sculptures of Graphic art and Photography at the Centre for documentation of the Museum of the French Army, which is based at the Hotel national des Invalides at Paris, Sylvie has been the commissar for the exhibition entitled “Napoleon III and Italy, the birth of a nation” (Museum of the French [lire plus]

Sylvie LE RAY-BURIMI: a specialist in art in warfare2023-02-23T15:30:56+01:00

Boris Noyet : « My double culture is of huge value »

Boris Noyet  has written the article about the Y and Z generations in one of the publications of the FEDE (« L’homme et L’Europe ») (Mankind and Europe) Here he introduces himself and reminds us of his training and his expertise regarding the RSE (Societal Responsibility of Businesses). What studies have you undertaken and what is your current employment ? My studies took the form of a joint degree, which was both technical (a Masters degree in design and digital communication) and a University based degree (a masters degree in educational sciences).   It’s because of the specific nature of my joint qualifications that I work  at the moment in charge of, and responsible for, RSE at the heart of the communication/RSE  department of « Française des Jeux » ( The French states gambling operator) [lire plus]

Boris Noyet : « My double culture is of huge value »2023-02-23T15:30:57+01:00

The FEDE celebrates Europe!

On 9th May, more than any other day, the FEDE celebrates Europe and vigorously reiterates its attachment to the shared and founding values of the European project: a day for knowledge, a day for the youth, a day for citizenship, a day for peace, a day for progress… All over Europe, the FEDE associates with all events and initiatives that embrace these values, pursue these ideals and celebrate the ideas of success, trust and solidarity. In addition, the FEDE team will be present this Saturday 13th May at the front court of the Paris City Hall for Europe Day organised by the City of Paris, House of Europe in Paris, the European Commission Representation Office in France and the European Parliament Information Office in France.

The FEDE celebrates Europe!2024-01-26T15:18:57+01:00

The FEDE is participating in the annual conference of the IACBE

Claude Vivier Le Got, the Chairwoman of the FEDE is currently participating in the annual conference of the IACBE (International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education) in San Francisco – USA, themed “Celebrating Excellence in Business Education.” At the conference, Claude Vivier Le Got, Dennis N. Gash, President of IACBE, and Paul Malette, Director of European Operations and International Development (IACBE), will emphasise the solid and enduring links between these 2 international institutions which demonstrate a shared vision and joint actions in support of a model of progress and Excellence for Education on a global scale.

The FEDE is participating in the annual conference of the IACBE2023-02-23T15:30:58+01:00

A word from member schools…

Distance learning in 2017: en route to the 4th revolution: by Jean-Pierre Lehnisch - CEO of CNFDI, a FEDE network school. Distance learning has always been sensitive to the economic, social and psychological environment of the country in which it is practised. From 1850 to 1940, distance learning occupied a minority position in terms of the education system as a whole. However, very rapidly, distance learning had to adapt to the major global events that the world was experiencing. It has been marked by several revolutions. The 4th mutation is heralded and taking shape for 2017. Jean-Pierre Lehnisch, Ph.D. in Law, a distance learning expert and author of many publications (“Distance learning, law and practice” 1st doctoral thesis on distance learning; “Distance learning” Que sais-je / PUF Collection; “Distance learning [lire plus]

A word from member schools…2023-02-23T15:30:58+01:00

Live from… the Council of Europe!

The FEDE is participating in the 32nd Session of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg – France which has for main themes: Migrations, Citizen Participation and Local and Regional Democracy in Europe. Represented by Mrs. Claude Vivier Le Got, Chairwoman, and Mr. Rinaldo Rosso, Vice-President, the FEDE is an active participant in the debates and brings its expertise on all the themes surrounding the domains of Education, Teaching, and Training. At the heart of the exchanges during this 32nd Congress: the role of local authorities facing migration, the reception of unaccompanied child migrants and border regions facing migration flows. The Congress will also examine the state of local and regional democracy in Finland, the state of local democracy in Malta, Estonia and Iceland, as well as a report on the [lire plus]

Live from… the Council of Europe!2024-01-26T15:19:07+01:00

François-Bernard Huyghe, a prolific author

FRANCOIS-BERNARD HUYGHE, A PROLIFIC AUTHOR As an author of 15 different works, François-Bernard Huyghe, a member of the honorary committee of the FEDE, has a very rich writing and editorial life. And the publications to  come? I have just published a work entitled « La Désinformation : les armes du faux » (édition Armand Colin) ( "Disinformation: The weapons of falsehood", published by Armand Colin), as well as revue 49 of the Medium entitled « Quelle guerre, quelle victoire » ("Which war, which  victory?"). Va Press will be publishing in April 2017 a book entitled, « Daech : l’arme de la communication », ("Isis, the Weapon of communication"). I am  also in the process of writing an enquiry baptised : La Post Vérité (édition Armand Colin) ("Post –Truth", published by [lire plus]

François-Bernard Huyghe, a prolific author2023-02-23T15:30:59+01:00

Focus on the latest Jean-Michel Quillardet news

FOCUS ON THE LATEST JEAN-MICHEL QUILLARDET NEWS A member of the scientific committee of the FEDE, Jean-Michel Quillardet, is a barrister at the Paris bar and vice-president of the commission on “Questions of society, and Human Rights Education”. This commission, working under the auspices of the National Consultative Commission of Human Rights, is an independent organisation, working in liaison with the Prime Minister’s office. Jean-Michel shares his news with us. What are your current publishing plans? I want to  give you  a sneak preview and tell you that I have finished a new book entitled “Pour un Humanisme Universel” (“In favour of a universal humanism”) (Editions Dervy). In it, I develop the argument that even if humanism is a notion and a reality that was born in Europe, it has [lire plus]

Focus on the latest Jean-Michel Quillardet news2023-02-23T15:30:59+01:00

Focus on the latest Ylljet Aliçka news

FOCUS ON THE LATEST YLLJET ALICKA NEWS A member of the scientific committee of the FEDE, Ylljet Aliçka, the ex-ambassador of Albania, based in Paris, lectures currently at the International University of Tirana. In the following interview he tells us more. In the course of 2017/2018 what will be the nature of, and the issues broached, in your teaching? The psychology of apprenticeships and the sciences of Education; the principal issue is to change people’s thinking and convictions, basically, to  wage war against the “inertia of the school today”. The evolution of societies affects education, from which arises a certain number of questions: What should we teach our children? And why? What could  education for citizens look like? These are the questions that I develop during my lectures throughout the [lire plus]

Focus on the latest Ylljet Aliçka news2023-02-23T15:31:00+01:00
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