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So far Trang BUI has created 455 blog entries.

The FEDE through the eyes of Xiao Jingwei

https://www.youtube.com/embed/s8rr2d81FxA Interview with Xiao Jingwei (COO of Bo Shuo Education Group in Shanghai) Special word of thanks to JINGJING ZOU for the translation

The FEDE through the eyes of Xiao Jingwei2023-02-23T15:35:59+01:00

Definition : Participatory status of INGOs

Independent non-governmental organisations as FEDE are a vital component of European society, guaranteeing freedom of expression and association both of which are fundamental to democracy. Recognising their influence, the Council of Europe provides international NGOs (INGOs) with the opportunity to acquire participatory status. Participatory status is granted to INGOs which are particularly representative in the field(s) of their competence at European level, and which through their work are capable of supporting the achievement of closer unity as stated in Article 1 of the Statute of the Council of Europe, by contributing to its activities and by publicising its work among European citizens. At present some 320 INGOs hold the status. Co-operation with INGOs holding participatory status takes many forms, from simple consultation to full-scale co-operation on specific projects. INGO experts [lire plus]

Definition : Participatory status of INGOs2024-01-26T15:20:30+01:00

You can join the FEDE in a few steps…

As a member of the Federation for EDucation in Europe (FEDE), you will receive support from a European organisation that enjoys participatory status with the Council of Europe. By virtue of FEDE’s membership in the Council of Europe, your school’s standing and reliability among students, professionals and the general public is enhanced. With its ever increasing membership, the value of FEDE diplomas is increasingly recognised in the professional world and increasingly accepted as the foundation for further studies. View more

You can join the FEDE in a few steps…2023-02-23T15:36:00+01:00

World Humanitarian Summit: Council of Europe commitment

Attending the World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul, Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland made this commitment today on behalf of the Council of Europe: Leaving No One Behind – A Commitment to Address Forced Displacement Core Commitment 4: Commit to collectively work towards a Global Compact on responsibility sharing for refugees to safeguard the rights of refugees, while also effectively and predictably supporting States affected by such movements 1. The Secretary General commits to prioritising the protection of the rights of refugees and asylum seekers across the Council of Europe’s 47 member states in his diplomatic efforts with political leaders and in the Organisation’s cooperation with the European Union. The Secretary General will send his Special Representative on Migrants and Refugees to areas where national authorities may need support in meeting international [lire plus]

World Humanitarian Summit: Council of Europe commitment2024-01-26T15:20:40+01:00

Reflexions on entrepreneurship in relation to globalization – Alain TOBELEM, PhD, HDR

Extract from the conference by Alain TOBELEM, PhD, HDR, at the FEDE assembly in Paris Reflexions on entrepreneurship in relation to globalization Entrepreneurship must be rethought under the light of the process of globalization such as we live through and will live in the coming years. I suggest a 3-dimensions reflexion: The worldwide economic playground is less and less fragmented, shattered in regional markets and in national economies.  It is tending toward becoming unique, with the same venue of exchanges for everyone and larger and larger numbers of actors having access in a global space where they are becoming more and more independent. We no longer have the choice of entrepreneurship; we are compelled to it.  We have perhaps not yet sufficiently realized but even in traditional jobs, managers no longer wait [lire plus]

Reflexions on entrepreneurship in relation to globalization – Alain TOBELEM, PhD, HDR2023-02-23T15:36:01+01:00

European Youth Event: “Together we can make a change”

From war to unemployment, the European Youth Event (EYE) taking place on 20-21 May at the Parliament in Strasbourg will be the perfect occasion for Europe's youth to make their views heard on many of the continent's most crucial issues. The event offers political debates and workshops with decision-makers as well as high profile speakers from the business world and civil society. Afterwards a report with some of the best ideas from the event will be presented to MEPs. During the event 7,500 young people from across Europe exchange ideas and perspectives on youth-related issues, develop innovative solutions and meet with European decision-makers and high-profile speakers. The event's motto is "Together we can make a change". Learn more about EYE by clicking on the links on the right. Not able [lire plus]

European Youth Event: “Together we can make a change”2024-01-26T15:20:50+01:00

Two new UNESCO Recommendations on education

The President of UNESCO’s General Conference, Mr Stanley Mutumba Simataa, and UNESCO’s Director-General, Ms Irina Bokova, signed the Recommendation on Adult Learning and Education and the Recommendation concerning Technical and Vocational Education and Training at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris on 4 April. The revision of these key international instruments responds to the request of Member States to adapt them to reflect new educational, social, economic, cultural and political trends. The Recommendations were enthusiastically adopted by Member States at the 38th session of the General Conference held in Paris, in November 2015. They are the most up-to-date and comprehensive tools for decision-makers, practitioners, social partners, civil society and other stakeholders in these two complementary areas. They will be used around the world to guide the transformation and expansion of equitable learning opportunities [lire plus]

Two new UNESCO Recommendations on education2024-01-26T15:21:00+01:00

17 May – International Day against Homophobia

In the run-up to the International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia marked on 17 May, Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland spoke out against homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools in Europe, a grave and often disregarded problem. “Homophobic and transphobic name-calling, bullying and harassment of LGBTI children have a serious effect on their well-being – and at times a tragic ending. They must have no place in our schools,” Secretary General said. “It is a duty of governments, school administration and teachers, parents – all of us, adults, to make sure that our children can study in a safe environment, free from violence, bullying and discrimination on all grounds, including their sexual orientation or gender identity. No child in Europe should become a victim of discriminatory and [lire plus]

17 May – International Day against Homophobia2024-01-26T15:21:15+01:00

The FEDE offers nine areas of excellence

The FEDE offers nine areas of excellence comprising 75 diplomas, which, having been designed by professionals and recruiters, are widely recognised. The FEDE constantly works to adapt to the changing labour market and to cater to new requirements and new career paths in business. The FEDE diplomas, requiring from two to five years of higher education, successfully meet students’ needs and prepare them for the global careers of today and tomorrow. (...more)

The FEDE offers nine areas of excellence2023-02-23T15:36:03+01:00

9 May : Europe Day

Europe Day held on 9 May every year celebrates peace and unity in Europe. The date marks the anniversary of the historical 'Schuman declaration'. At a speech in Paris in 1950, Robert Schuman, the then French foreign minister, set out his idea for a new form of political cooperation in Europe, which would make war between Europe’s nations unthinkable. His vision was to create a European institution that would pool and manage coal and steel production. A treaty creating such a body was signed just under a year later. Schuman’s proposal is considered to be the beginning of what is now the European Union. EU institutions celebrate Europe Day To celebrate Europe Day, the EU institutions open their doors to the public in early May in Brussels and Strasbourg. Local [lire plus]

9 May : Europe Day2024-01-26T15:21:23+01:00
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