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So far Trang BUI has created 455 blog entries.

Les métiers de la logistique : quels enjeux ?

Dans le contexte du Covid-19, les métiers de la logistique ont été propulsés sur le devant de la scène médiatique. Méconnu du grand public, le secteur de la logistique regroupe toutes les activités qui gèrent des flux, quels qu’ils soient. Le confinement a accéléré la demande de mobilité tant des marchandises que des données. Les entreprises ont dû s’adapter dans l’urgence et faire preuve d’une grande agilité dans un environnement international devenu très complexe. En effet, non seulement les entreprises ont affronté la grande diversité des mesures politiques prises à l’échelle nationale voire régionale, mais de surcroit, doivent toujours fonctionner en tenant compte de l’instabilité de ces mesures. . . Le secteur de la logistique est en quelque sorte le secteur qui exploite les réseaux artériels, veineux et neuronaux des [lire plus]

Les métiers de la logistique : quels enjeux ?2023-02-23T15:26:53+01:00


Ylljet Alicka was kind enough to answer our questions following the release of his latest novel (La valse du bonheur). What was the trigger for writing this novel? An article in the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera in 2002. It was about an Albanian family that had sought refuge in the Italian embassy in Tirana. I built my novel around their story, which is closely connected with the events that were sending shockwaves through Albania at the time. Through the story I express my views and feelings on themes such as courage, dignity and human cowardice. Can you give us an overview of the plot? In anticipation (though they do not know it) of the ‘future consequences’ of the fall of the Berlin Wall, six Albanian citizens seek refuge in [lire plus]

AN INTERVIEW WITH YLLJET ALICKA2023-02-23T15:26:53+01:00

Christian Castelli: ‘I was struck by the warm and friendly atmosphere of the recent FEDE General Assembly.’

Christian Castelli is Chairman, Director-General and Founder of C2 Consulting Group, part of which is specialised in education. He talks to us about his career and explains why he joined the FEDE. What did you study? I have a master’s in economics (Aix-en-Provence University, 1983) and a diploma in neurolinguistic programming (1993). I have also completed a course at the HEC: ‘Managing a Company Branch, Profit Centre or SME ’ (HEC Paris, 2005). What have been the highlights of your career? At the beginning of my career I was lucky enough to be hired to manage various profit centres for a multinational company (Total). I did that for over 10 years and gained an enormous amount of professional rigour – as you would expect from such a company; it was [lire plus]

Christian Castelli: ‘I was struck by the warm and friendly atmosphere of the recent FEDE General Assembly.’2023-02-23T15:26:54+01:00

Festival « Les Sacrées Journées » à Strasbourg

Brochure-web-SJ-2020 La FEDE renouvelle son soutien au Festival 2020 des Sacrées Journées de Strasbourg. Cette action s’intègre dans une démarche de meilleure connaissance des religions et de leur capacité à dialoguer entre elles. Le dialogue « intercultuel » est une composante essentielle du vivre ensemble dans une société harmonieuse. La FEDE s’implique dans la formation des citoyens de demain, laquelle passe nécessairement par la prise en compte de l’altérité et du respect des différences. Les Sacrées Journées proposent des moments inédits de musique et de fraternité. »

Festival « Les Sacrées Journées » à Strasbourg2023-02-23T15:26:54+01:00


Eric Dumartin, a human resources expert and education and training professional, has recently joined the FEDE’s Panel of Experts What did you study? I’ve studied in a number of business schools. I have a master’s in human resources management from the Institut Supérieur de Gestion, Paris (2004), a human resources management diploma from INSEEC Business School (1985) and a certificate awarded by Roosevelt University, Chicago (1984). Would have been the highlights of your career? I have many years’ experience in human resources management. I began in 1999 as Human Resources Director at BancTec (a company specialising in financial transactions and payment methods processing), before taking up the same role at Affinion Group - Webloyalty (a direct marketing firm) from 2000 to 2014. I also worked for a year at LINKBYNET [lire plus]

A NEW EXPERT AT THE FEDE2023-02-23T15:26:55+01:00

François Schweitzer: an ambassador for French luxury in the Middle East

François Schweitzer works in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), where he is in charge of luxury brand marketing in the Middle East. He has recently joined the FEDE’s Panel of Experts, bringing with him bags of global perspective. What did you study? From 1990 to 1993 I studied communications and culture within the EAC (Economics, Art and Culture) Group, which was managed at the time by Claude Vivier le Got, now Chairwoman of the Federation for EDucation in Europe. I was lucky to benefit from a brilliant, varied programme, during which I began to build a professional network thanks to my teachers and lecturers. What have been the highlights of your career? I joined the Chaloub Group nearly 20 years ago. I’ve worked here in the past as both Sales Manager [lire plus]

François Schweitzer: an ambassador for French luxury in the Middle East2023-02-23T15:26:55+01:00

Democracy in danger – humanism to the rescue!

Jean-Michel Quillardet (PhD in literature), a well-known lawyer and long-term member of the FEDE’s Academic Council, has just published his latest work at Editions Dervy. Pour un humanisme universel : Force, beauté et sagesse de la république laïque [Universal Humanism: the Strength, Beauty and Wisdom of the Secular Republic] is both profound and accessible, arguing that humanism is as relevant today as it ever was. For the author, 21st-century humanism means inscribing ourselves in a history and an intellectual heritage and, on the basis of these traditions, contributing to the development of a social project. In an increasingly dehumanised world in which mass crimes are committed before our very eyes, the humanist project – a form of optimism based on faith in humankind’s natural capacities – is as pressing as ever. 21st-century [lire plus]

Democracy in danger – humanism to the rescue!2023-02-23T15:26:56+01:00

Philippe fort: a strategist with top-notch communication skills

Philippe Fort is a managing director in the ESMOD (Ecole Supérieure des Arts et Techniques de la Mode) group. A skilled negotiator and man of taste, he is passionate about history of art and the ancient world. In this interview he tells us why ESMOD joined the FEDE. What did you study? I’m a graduate of the Institut d‘études politiques de Grenoble (1990). I also have a master’s and a DEA in political science from Paris II Assas University. In 2018 I completed a course at the Ecole nationale de la magistrature to become a labour court judge. What have been the highlights of your career? After working as policy officer at the Palais Galliera (fundraising negotiations, marketing of exhibitions) I was employed at the Paris City Hall. I was [lire plus]

Philippe fort: a strategist with top-notch communication skills2023-02-23T15:26:56+01:00

The École Enaco: an e-learning and innovation hub

The École Enaco is a business school and FEDE-network institution. In many ways it can be compared to a French grande école – an elite higher educational institution. Except that at Enaco everyone studies remotely! Hélène Lejeune, Founder (2006) and President/Director-General of Enaco, introduces herself and tells us more about her e-learning and innovation hub. What did you study? I have a master’s in philosophy (Lille-3 University, 1997), a master’s in educational engineering (Lille-3 University, 2002) and an executive MBA. In recent years I’ve also been taking management courses at the University of Stanford. What is the aim of Enaco? Enaco is France’s first distance-learning business school. It offers courses in sales, marketing and management at affordable prices. Studying remotely allows students to achieve a balance between their personal lives [lire plus]

The École Enaco: an e-learning and innovation hub2023-02-23T15:26:56+01:00

Marie-Thérèse Camus: both a software engineer and teacher !

‘Turning talent into expertise’ – that is the credo of ITIC in Paris. We met the institution’s Director of Education Marie-Thérèse Camus, who told us more about what makes her institution so special. What did you study? I’m what we call in France an ‘educational engineer’. In the mid-1980s I completed a master’s in computer science (Paris VI University). I then followed a nine-month course in education as I’d realised that a person needs training in order to teach well. What have been the highlights of your career? For about 10 years I headed IT consultancies; my partners and I had up to six employees. I then began working as a teacher at ITIC, where I later took on an educational management role. I’m currently ITIC’s Director of Education. Can [lire plus]

Marie-Thérèse Camus: both a software engineer and teacher !2023-02-23T15:26:57+01:00
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