Côme Tete: Meet a human resources specialist and interculturality expert

Director General of the company Humanitis, Côme Tete, who is a member of the FEDE’s Panel of Experts, is a specialist in organisational strategy and social dynamics and prospects What have been the highlights of your career? I am a graduate of the Institut des Etudes Economiques, Sociales et des Techniques de l’Organisation (IESTEO-CNAM, Paris). I also have a bachelor’s-level qualification in Human Resources Planning from the Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne University. I headed the firm ERE HUMAINE for twelve years before moving towards work on partnership and cooperation projects between businesses, public institutions and European and African local governments. What would you say are your strong points professionally? I have solid experience in human resources management operations. Consequently, I am now well-placed to carry out a range of consulting, organisational [lire plus]

Côme Tete: Meet a human resources specialist and interculturality expert2023-02-23T15:26:21+01:00

Antony Mahé: “Beware of promising too much.”

A doctor in sociology, director of studies at the firm Eranos, and member of the FEDE’s Panel of Experts, Antony Mahé tells us about the links between artificial intelligence and education. What contribution can AI make to education? As a sociologist specialised in the digital economy, I am quite sceptical about this. Nonetheless, there are some interesting opportunities linked to so-called adaptive learning – that is, the fact that AI can adapt to a student’s learning speed and level. It also seems that such technology will be able to anticipate a student’s risk of dropping out of school; this would be very useful, given that dropping out is a major problem. What would be the limitations of such uses?  One of the major problems relates to promising too much [lire plus]

Antony Mahé: “Beware of promising too much.”2023-02-23T15:26:22+01:00

ANTOINE BEON: “An editor is like the conductor of an orchestra.”

Member of the FEDE’s Panel of Experts, Antoine Béon is Director General of Editions Bragelonne publishing house (Paris, France). He tells us about his job and gives some advice to future editors. What have been the highlights of your career? The first highlight was my education: a Master’s in Product Design (2003) and Master’s in Education and the Teaching of Religion in 2015. After six years working in a design agency, I was fortunate enough to discover what has become a meeting place for my dual education: the publishing. Indeed, publishing combines my appetite for creativity in the broad sense and my love of books, which have always been my favourite medium since I was a child. I joined the technical management service of Hachette Livre in 2009. I [lire plus]

ANTOINE BEON: “An editor is like the conductor of an orchestra.”2023-02-23T15:26:23+01:00

Tribute to François Bernard Huyghe

A long illness ultimately got the better of his passion for life. Born on 5 August 1951 in Paris, François Bernard passed away on 1 September 2022 after 70 years in this ‘career’ we call existence. A long-standing member of the FEDE’s Academic Council, director of research at the Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRI) and chairman of the Observatoire Stratégique de l’Information (OSI), François was a teacher-researcher and the author of some 30 books, including Terrorismes: Violence et Propagande (Gallimard, 2011) and L’art de la guerre idéologique (Le Cerf, 2019). He was a member of the editorial committee for the journal Les cahiers de médiologie, then for Médium, both founded by Régis Debray. He was well known to television viewers and radio listeners for his subtle and original analyses. François [lire plus]

Tribute to François Bernard Huyghe2023-02-23T15:26:24+01:00

Jean-Jacques Urvoy, Member of the FEDE’s Panel of Experts, shares his latest news.

What’s new? I’ve become a member of the Optimisation Council at Neoma Business School, where I teach courses on creativity and psychology for design on the final year of the master’s in communications. I’ve now been a psychoanalyst for several years, having previously founded and managed several design and communications agencies. What do your two activities have in common? The search for meaning in a world that is losing much of its meaning. The meaning of brands, images or objects created in communications and design, and the meaning that a patient finds deep inside him or herself during a psychoanalysis, have the same driving force. We need to know where an agency or company is going with a project, and, in the case of a psychoanalysis, a person needs [lire plus]

Jean-Jacques Urvoy, Member of the FEDE’s Panel of Experts, shares his latest news.2023-02-23T15:26:25+01:00
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