Kerline Paul: ‘Boosting the identity and reputation of solidarity-based economics’

Kerline Paul has worked as a bilingual executive assistant for over 20 years. In preparing meetings and files, in organising seminars and training courses, and in managing customers, she has honed her capacity for initiative, fast turnarounds and resilience to stress. Since 2020 she has worked for Enéal (Action Logement Group), which aims to rethink accommodation solutions for older persons. Kerline Paul’s career follows on from a FEDE European Master’s in Business Management and Strategy. Now, having caught the research bug, she plans, thanks to the opportunity provided by the FEDE, to pursue a dream of hers: to develop and write a DBA thesis. Kerline Paul’s research will focus on the positive impact of non-profit organisations that are committed to social and solidarity-based economics. In her view, the social [lire plus]

Kerline Paul: ‘Boosting the identity and reputation of solidarity-based economics’2023-12-01T12:00:11+01:00

Jean Frederic Minatchy wants to find a fruitful, human way to manage

In 2012, Jean Frédéric Minatchy set up a firm specialised in training (coaching and professional mentoring). He has also continued his career as a teacher, lecturing at Néoma Business School and the Université de La Réunion, where he has supervised bachelor’s and master’s dissertations. He also has taught marketing and human resources management at the training department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Réunion. Jean Frédéric Minatchy has two master’s degrees: one in economics, administration and management (Panthéon-Sorbonne University) and the other, awarded by the FEDE, in business management and strategy. He also has two Global Executive MBA degrees (from IFG Paris/San Francisco Executive Education and IAE (Sorbonne Business School). He is also a certified coach. In fact, he intends to keep on learning all his life, [lire plus]

Jean Frederic Minatchy wants to find a fruitful, human way to manage2023-12-01T11:48:55+01:00

Experience of a FEDE DBA student: Benoit Rico

Just as a sportsperson has to surpass him- or herself to reach the finish line, doctoral students outdo themselves in writing a thesis, which can be compared to a mental workout requiring an enormous amount of investment. My fellow doctoral students and I have, so to speak, competed in the Olympic Games in writing our theses. In these first two years of the programme I have been motivated by a desire to push myself further and further, to produce an important work, and to ensure that my research is relevant. Two years already! That might seem like a long time, but it is in fact very little. Our thesis director told us from the outset, in a tone that was both friendly and teacherly, that we were going to [lire plus]

Experience of a FEDE DBA student: Benoit Rico2023-02-23T15:26:21+01:00

Barbara Grimoux: ‘My DBA topic is of interest to a number of organisations’

At the end of your first year of research, where are you up to with writing the thesis? I’ve written about 40 pages. I plan to write a total of around 150 pages on diagnoses and 150 pages on ‘therapies’ – that is, on pedagogical sequences, how they go down with students and how they could be improved. What have been your professional and personal experiences of the DBA? My topic is of interest to both institutions and professionals. Consequently, I am in close contact with a number of FEDE institutions as well as with the MESRI and the CNAM. I have also had a lot of very rich discussions with fellow doctoral students and my DBA teachers. We have exchanged both knowledge and networks. This is a great [lire plus]

Barbara Grimoux: ‘My DBA topic is of interest to a number of organisations’2023-02-23T15:26:22+01:00

Portrait of Bathilde Mbienda Djamouo: research to combat long-term unemployment

What did you study for your higher education?  I have a FEDE European Master’s in Human Resources Management that I obtained in 2021 from the INEAD (Institut d’Enseignement à Distance). I already had a Bachelor’s in Production Management and Internal Logistics (2007, University of Nancy II) and a DUT in Insurance Management (2005, University of Luxembourg). What have been the highlights of your career?  While working in the insurance sector I learnt to perform a range of tasks, such as managing meetings, writing reports and proposing action plans. I really enjoyed the human contact involved in managing customer portfolios. Why do you want to do a DBA?  I want to develop strong research skills. My ambition is to be able to apply my knowledge and skills in a career [lire plus]

Portrait of Bathilde Mbienda Djamouo: research to combat long-term unemployment2023-02-23T15:26:23+01:00

Mathieu Naud: “I discovered my vocation for teaching later in life”

General Director of the IFP Bordeaux Business School, Mathieu Naud is newly enrolled at the FEDE’s Doctoral School. His DBA will focus on the status of training organisations. He tells us more. What is your current job role? I am co-founder and General Director of IFP Bordeaux Business School – an educational institution specialised in trade, marketing, innovation, payroll and management. We offer qualifications from postsecondary to master’s level, with a focus on professional and organisational changes arising from digitalisation and the green transition. What have been the highlights of your career? I worked for a long time in the supermarket sector, including for major actors such as Biocoop, Lidl and Gifi. I spent 10 or so years managing a Lidl store, which was an extremely enriching and motivating experience. [lire plus]

Mathieu Naud: “I discovered my vocation for teaching later in life”2023-02-23T15:26:23+01:00

Deae Laazouzi: ‘I was won over by the prestige of your doctoral school.’

What did you study? I have a master’s in IT management for companies. Before that I obtained two bachelor’s degrees: one in economic and social sciences and the other in company law and management. Can you tell us about your professional experience? I have 10 years of professional experience. I first worked as a technical and financial assistant, then as a management controller, and finally as a human resources administrator – all in Tetouan, Morocco. Why did you choose the FEDE for your DBA? I was won over by the prestige and reputation of your doctoral school. Also, I’m a big fan of France, and so I wanted to gain a better knowledge of French culture. What is the goal of your doctoral research? ‘Knowledge management and social entrepreneurship’: [lire plus]

Deae Laazouzi: ‘I was won over by the prestige of your doctoral school.’2023-02-23T15:26:25+01:00

Isabelle Louchez: “The aftermath of the pandemic is an opportunity to boost women’s careers”

What did you study? I’ve always had a strong international focus. I have a Master’s in International Affairs (Université du Littoral), an MBA from Westford Grenoble and a BTS in International Trade. What have been the highlights of your career? I’ve been fortunate enough to acquire a great deal of professional experience over the past 20 years. In particular, I’ve worked in the finance and administration services of a number of international companies, including Hewlett Packard, Caterpillar and Schneider Electric. Why did you decide to enrol in the FEDE DBA? It’s not easy for women to build a career in international relations, and I wish to demonstrate that the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity to iron out certain inequalities. I’m referring to the wage gap, of course, [lire plus]

Isabelle Louchez: “The aftermath of the pandemic is an opportunity to boost women’s careers”2023-02-23T15:26:25+01:00

Mohamed Zarki: an entrepreneur in favour of responsible business

Mohamed Zarki is a new DBA student at the FEDE Doctoral School and a bold entrepreneur. His research will focus on an emerging form of investment: socially responsible investment. What did you study?     I have a Bachelor’s in Management Science (Kedge Business School, Bordeaux, 2012) and a Master’s in the same subject and from the same institution. Thanks to the mark I obtained for my master’s dissertation, I came top in entrepreneurship and finance. What’s your current job role?   After working in financial communications and founding several businesses (hairdressing and insurance sectors), I now head an insurance company and a company that helps people wishing to study abroad. The latter, which is based in Tetouan, Morocco, offers language lessons, interview preparation and assistance with writing CVs. What is [lire plus]

Mohamed Zarki: an entrepreneur in favour of responsible business2023-02-23T15:26:26+01:00

Oualae Ferrio: ‘Sound thought is a prerequisite for sound action’

What did you study ? I have a bachelor’s in economics and a master’s in finance, banking and markets (Abdelmalk Essaadi University, Tanger, 2015). What have been the highlights of your career so far ? I am currently administrative manager for a company specialised in dashboards. Previously I worked as customer manager for a bank and as a customer advisor at the Tanger ferry terminal. Why have you chosen to enrol in the FEDE DBA ? The main reason why I chose the FEDE is because it is prestigious and has a great reputation in Morocco. Also, I studied the FEDE’s proposal closely and could not help noticing that it offered exactly what I was looking for: I want to improve my managerial skills and better acquaint myself with new [lire plus]

Oualae Ferrio: ‘Sound thought is a prerequisite for sound action’2024-01-26T14:36:20+01:00
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