Anne Barbier : ‘My two passions are science and people.’

Dean of the Ecole Minerva, a Swiss institution dedicated to health professions, Anne Barbier recently became a member of the FEDE Committee. Read our interview with a scientist who is passionate about people. Can you tell us about your education? After a French D.E.A degree in biochemistry (University of Besançon), I went on to obtain a PhD, also in biochemistry, at Poincaré de Nancy University (1998). I have also recently obtained what we call in Switzerland a ‘sector qualification’ – in my case a teaching diploma. What has been the highlight of your career? After obtaining my PhD, I was lead research assistant at the faculty of medicine at Lausanne. I also did some teaching. But quite honestly it was later, at the Ecole Minerva, that I discovered my passion [lire plus]

Anne Barbier : ‘My two passions are science and people.’2023-02-23T15:27:01+01:00

Ahmed Benjelloun: a teacher and researcher with a passion for communication!

Teacher and author Ahmed Benjelloun has a PhD in economics and management. As Director of Communications at the ISTH (a tourism and hospitality institute founded by his family) in Fès, Morocco, he is a keen innovator. Meet him below. What did you study? I have a vocational bachelor’s degree in international management plus a research master’s in management sciences (I specialised in marketing, logistics and international trade) from the Ecole Nationale de Commerce et de Gestion, Fès, Morocco. In July 2018 I also obtained (with distinction) a PhD in economics and management from Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fès. My thesis title was ‘Cultural Marketing as a Vehicle for Promoting the City of Fès’. Can you tell us more about your career? From the very beginning of my higher education [lire plus]

Ahmed Benjelloun: a teacher and researcher with a passion for communication!2023-02-23T15:27:02+01:00

FEDE Informative Sessions

FEDE regularly holds informative breakfasts. Due to the current situation related to the Covid-19, the breakfasts are organized in the form of webinars. Five subjects will be addressed during the webinars: Qualifications registered in the RNCP 2. Professional skills certificates registered in the French RNCP or RS 3. the FEDE Language Certificate 4. the FEDE accreditation 5.  The FEDE approval Offer bachelor’s, master’s and MBA degrees that earn your students qualifications registered in the French RNCP (Répertoire National de la Certification Professionnelle) The FEDE currently offers two level-seven qualifications (IT Project Manager and Human Resources Director) and one level-six qualification (Marketing and Commercial Manager) registered in the RNCP and enjoying European recognition. The qualifications are available in English and French and can be obtained over one or more years of [lire plus]

FEDE Informative Sessions2023-02-23T15:27:03+01:00

Dalenda Tak Tak: ‘I am a practising humanist.’

Dalenda Tak Tak is Director-General of CESA Sup. This conversation with her during the FEDE’s 2019 General Assembly demonstrates her erudition, humility and warmheartedness. Can you tell us about your education? I have a BTS in Tourism and a Master’s in Human Resources. I’ve also recently obtained a qualification in professional coaching from Paris-8 University. In fact, I’ve never stopped studying! I read, I attend lectures and, all in all, am committed to lifelong learning. What have been the highlights of your career? I’ve been Director-General of the Institut Maxime in Paris and of Marriott International, a luxury American hotel chain. And now? These days I focus on teaching. I try to make my management and human resources students aware of the importance of soft skills. And whilst we’re on [lire plus]

Dalenda Tak Tak: ‘I am a practising humanist.’2023-02-23T15:30:34+01:00

Breakfast information session

Following the success of the first breakfast information sessions, the FEDE will organize a special session on Wednesday 20 February from 9 to 10.30 a.m. Reserved for FEDE members, this informal session aims to provide institutions with information on how to extend or supplement their course catalogues. They are also an excellent opportunity to talk with FEDE staff and fellow members. The following presentations will be given: (1) FEDE professional certificates: expanding your course catalogue Why not offer professional training courses in your institution? The FEDE’s professional certificates are registered in the CNCP inventory. They allow course takers to obtain an official certificate proving their skills. Tailored to the contemporary workplace, the certificates are recognised by professionals, recruiters and economic actors. They can be offered either as self-standing qualifications (continuing education) [lire plus]

Breakfast information session2023-02-23T15:30:36+01:00

Breakfast information sessions

This month the FEDE will be holding breakfast information sessions next date: Tuesday, December 13, 2022. Reserved for FEDE members, these informal sessions aim to provide institutions with information on how to extend or supplement their course catalogues. They are also an excellent opportunity to talk with FEDE staff and fellow members. The following presentations will be given: Accredited degree course: designing tailor-made degrees Interested in offering an accredited degree course for a specific or niche profession? The FEDE can transform your institutional qualification into a FEDE European Degree. FEDE European degrees provide ECTS credits in line with European standards. This seminar will walk you through the various stages of designing an accredited degree programme and producing the corresponding course guidelines. Degrees offered: European Certificate, Foundation Degree, European Bachelor’s, [lire plus]

Breakfast information sessions2023-02-23T15:30:38+01:00

Meeting with IFA Paris

IFA Paris was founded in 1982. Where did the initial idea come from? 1982 is the official date, but the school was truly born in 1997, the fruit of a meeting between fashion specialist Olivia Chai and entrepreneur Patrick Kouzmine-Karavaieff. Together they relaunched the Paris school (300 students) and set up the Shanghai campus (700 students). What are the reasons behind the success of IFA Paris? First, we are truly international, with campuses in Paris, Shanghai and Istanbul. Second, we have consistently high academic standards. Third, there is a real ethos of creativity permeating all our programmes and courses. How does IFA Paris compare to other fashion schools?      IFA Paris has an innovative approach that sets it apart from the other Parisian fashion schools: - IFA is different in that [lire plus]

Meeting with IFA Paris2023-02-23T15:30:40+01:00

Jérémie Aboiron: ‘Psychology and management go hand in hand’

Jérémie Aboiron is the founder and director of Neofaculty, a FEDE-member training institution specialising in management and the humanities. In the interview below he tells us about the ethos of his institution and its recent developments.  You are the director of Neofaculty, founded in 1998. Can you tell us a little more about the origins and nature of your institution? The original idea behind Neofaculty in 1998 was to create a Learning Management System (e-learning) for the Université de Médecine in Créteil. News of the success of this initial project spread throughout the higher education sector and attracted a large number of educational actors. In 2000 we signed a major contract with Sciences Po in Paris. This enabled us to break into academic activity: we began developing teaching projects using [lire plus]

Jérémie Aboiron: ‘Psychology and management go hand in hand’2023-02-23T15:30:40+01:00

Thierry Andrieu: the professionel training guru of the Sup de Co La Rochelle Group

The Sup de Co La Rochelle Group is a major player in continuing education, offering tailor-made training programmes. We speak to Thierry Andrieu, the Group’s programme manager. What have been the milestones in your career? I have more than twenty years’ experience in the banking and insurance sector. This gave me the opportunity to work in a range of professions within commerce (both wholesale and retail markets). As branch head I also managed teams of people. What exactly do you do within the Sup de Co la Rochelle Group? As Director of Continuing Education I play a dual role: offering professionals the opportunity to evolve and ensuring that the professions we train for are perfectly aligned with the needs of businesses. What are the special features of the training courses you [lire plus]

Thierry Andrieu: the professionel training guru of the Sup de Co La Rochelle Group2023-02-23T15:30:42+01:00

Farhang Gassemi: defending education and citizenship

Farhang Gassemi is a member of the FEDE Committee and is also president of the Federation’s Human Rights Commission. He also heads a private higher education group (Cogefi) and somehow find the time to write books as well. We meet him below. Can you tell us how your career started? In the 1980s I wrote a PhD thesis in political science at Panthéon-Assas University and at the same time studied for a degree in management at Paris Dauphine University. In 1988 I set up my own higher education teaching group: the Cogefi Group. Tell us about the Group. In the past the Group has contained as many as three schools – so 700 students; since then I’ve scaled things back. We now have 200 students, 20 or so teachers and [lire plus]

Farhang Gassemi: defending education and citizenship2023-02-23T15:30:42+01:00
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