Success for the FEDE Study Day
On Tuesday 7 November, between 9.00-5.00pm, the FEDE organized a study day in the prestigious Colbert hall of the 9th arrondissement of Paris, entitled "Education, religion and business". Sponsored by Professor Maffesoli, CNRS administrator and professor emeritus at the Sorbonne and Delphine Bürkli, mayor of the 9th district and regional councillor of the Ile-de-France region, this day, hallmarked by four round table discussions gathered together nearly 200 people. Among them were Marie-José Lowe's German students (Merz-Schule Stuttgart), Jocelyne Chelin (Training City Manager), Farhang Ghassemi (CEO of the Cogefi Training Group) and Jean-Luc Collet (Director of ICOGES). These students, like the other students present - those of Ludus Academy and the European Higher Institute of Caen - had the opportunity to meet with representatives of business foundations (French games for example) [lire plus]