PORTRAIT OF ROLAND LIENHARDT : MEMBER OF FEDE’S PANEL EXPERTS What training have you undertaken ? My training has been rooted in law, management and in artistic expression. From the age of five until my entrance into  University I followed an  artistic route of study (piano,trumpet and music) alongside studying for my general  baccalaureat. I have performed on stage since the age of 13 and have performed my own  compositions since the age of 17. I hold SACEM (Société d’auteurs,compositeurs et éditeurs de musique) (Society of authors, composers, and publishers of music) diplomas as a composer, an author and as an arranger. In 1982 at  the age of 23, I graduated with  a DEA (Diplôme d’études approfonides )(Post Graduate studies) (Masters 2)in 1982 in copyright, artistic and industrial property law (Paris [lire plus]


The FEDE in Spain!

A delegation from the FEDE led by Claude Vivier Le Got (Chairwoman), Salvador Cintado Pasto (Vice Chairman) and Rinaldo Rosso (Vice Chairman) has been received by the University of Salamanca. This presents an opportunity to establish strong links between this reference Spanish university and the FEDE, to serve an ambitious model for progress in Education in Europe! Learn more: http://saladeprensa.usal.es/node/108292 Rinaldo Rosso (Vice-Président FEDE), Salvador Cintado Pastor (Vice-Président FEDE), Claude Vivier Le Got (Présidente FEDE), María Ángeles Serrano (Vice-Présidente de l'Université de Salamanque en charge de l'International), José Miguel Sánchez Llorente (‎Conseiller délégué aux cursus internationaux de l'Université de Salamanque), José Antonio Noriega (Université de Salamanque)   Rinaldo Rosso (Vice-Président FEDE), José Miguel Sánchez Llorente (‎Conseiller délégué aux cursus internationaux de l'Université de Salamanque), Claude Vivier Le Got [lire plus]

The FEDE in Spain!2023-02-23T15:30:52+01:00


Blerina Zoto, an Albanian diplomat specialising in the rights of minorities and vulnerable persons and a member of the FEDE group of experts, responds to our questions…. What training have you undertaken ? I studied for my Bachelor of letters at the University of Tirana in Albania, as well  as studying for my Masters in Business Administration in France at the Montesquieu University at Bordeaux. I am  currently preparing my doctoral  thesis on the subject of the Rights of Man at the University of Tirana. What have been the highpoints of your professional career I have been the representative for Albania at the Council of Europe where I have been  responsible for the rights of minorities and vulnerables persons. This diplomatic work, which corresponds with my personal  commitments, demands patience, creativity [lire plus]


Jean-Louis Bischoff: “To Meet someone is to meet oneself”

Professor Jean-Louis Bischoff holds a doctorate in Philosophy (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes) and is authorised and empowered to oversee research at the University of Artois. He is also the director of research of the FEDE As an international specialist in trends, he is pleased to offer a new work, his 10th, which aims to determine the notion of encounter. In this work he explores the notion of encounter, not as something that we do, but rather an experience that makes us, transforms us, gives us that which we will become. It is an experience that allows us to find, to discover and to receive. Here we find a good echo of the values ​​of education carried by the project of the FEDE. Here, we meet Professor Bischoff who responds [lire plus]

Jean-Louis Bischoff: “To Meet someone is to meet oneself”2023-02-23T15:30:53+01:00

Michel Maffesoli : « In order to move forward you must lean solidly on the past »

The refusal to accept social constructions that are « against nature », abstract and rationalist is beginning to come to the fore. It is from this refusal that the need to found our togetherness on a shared sensitivity is born. The purpose of the last book (« Ecosophie » Edited by CERF) by Michel Maffesoli ,was to unearth the silent currents of thought that illustrate this proposal. In the interview below the professor Emeritus of the Sorbonne and member of the University Institute of France (Collège de France)   and honorary member of the committee of honour of the FEDE tells us more. What are the key arguments of your last work? I examine various ideas. The first is linked to the distinction between “progressist” and progressive; a progressive society is one which respects tradition [lire plus]

Michel Maffesoli : « In order to move forward you must lean solidly on the past »2023-02-23T15:30:53+01:00

Speech by Claude Vivier Le Got, The FEDE Chairwoman, 2017 General Assembly

Ladies, Gentlemen, Dear Members, Dear Friends, There are moments, like this conference, where ideas are expressed and where projects take on meaning. I would like to especially thank Mr Dennis Gash, President of IACBE, for his presence. For 18 months, I have had the pleasure of ushering a new dynamic for the FEDE. A FEDE on the move, consistently growing internationally, consistently brimming with new ideas and ambitious projects. Our associative structure, thanks to a federative spirit, bears a globally-oriented project that embraces the values of Europe, that transcends national borders with respect to higher education, that contemplates the supranational as a new frontier, that believes in academic research and views knowledge as universal. Our project consists “of accomplishing”, “of initiating” and “of acting” on a global scale, of enthusiastically [lire plus]

Speech by Claude Vivier Le Got, The FEDE Chairwoman, 2017 General Assembly2023-02-23T15:30:53+01:00

Presentation of the 2017 FEDE Award for Excellence in Human Rights

On the occasion of the FEDE 2017 General Assembly held in Lisbon, Portugal, Claude Vivier Le Got, the FEDE Chairwoman, presented Marie-José Löwe, a representative of Merz Schule in Stuttgart, Germany, with the 2017 FEDE Award for Excellence in Human Rights. This award recognises initiatives taken by FEDE students, faculty members and FEDE schools with regard to human rights. It highlights outstanding projects that help to effectively promote the founding principles and human values of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. “It is our mission to make the values that federate and bring us together a day-to-day reality: the values of peace, non-discrimination, equality, justice, non-violence, tolerance and respect for human dignity. It is our desire that these values, those of human rights, enrich all of the learning experiences in [lire plus]

Presentation of the 2017 FEDE Award for Excellence in Human Rights2023-02-23T15:30:54+01:00

Catherine Lalumière – The Great Witness

The Great Witness Regularly, via its site, the FEDE will offer you the opportunity to meet up with a person who holds, or has held, a particularly important role in the world of teaching, education, training or the construction of Europe.    Catherine Lalumière : “More than ever we need Europe”. Catherine Lalumière has been a minister and elected member of parliament on several occasions; she has held the posts of general secretary of the European Council, and has been vice-president of the European Parliament. Currently she is president of the Maison de l'Europe de Paris (House of Europe of Paris) as well as La Fédération française des maisons de l’europe (The French Federation of the Houses of Europe, le Relais Culture Europe (The European Creative Office) and finally president of the European [lire plus]

Catherine Lalumière – The Great Witness2023-02-23T15:30:55+01:00

Jean Philippe Lefèvre: member of FEDE’s panel of experts.

Jean Philippe Lefèvre: member of FEDE’s panel of experts. He provides his background in the following interview.         What type of work are you involved in at the moment? I am a qualified historian and have also gained the Diploma from the Institute of Political studies in Strasbourg. I am passionate about my principal activity as Professor of History, because I love to transmit knowledge to others. I am also responsible for lectures at the University of Bourgogne as well as doing the same in Ecoles Supérieures on the subject of the history of cultural politics, which is my second speciality. You are known as an expert in Cultural Politics; you are also very involved at the heart of the National Federation of Local Authorities for Culture [lire plus]

Jean Philippe Lefèvre: member of FEDE’s panel of experts.2023-02-23T15:30:56+01:00

College of Experts FEDE : “Maître” SARA BYSTRÖM

As an international  lawyer based in Paris, “Maitre”  Sara BYSTROM is a specialist in Literary and Artistic Property Rights Law, Photography and Photo Rights Law and finally, Internet and Innovation Law. Living in Paris, but originally from Sweden, Sara BYSTROM holds a Masters degree in Literary, Artistic  and Intellectual property Rights Law from  the University of Nantes as well  as holding a Diploma in American Business Law from  the CNAM of Paris (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers), and a Master’s degree in Cultural Heritage Law from  the University of Sceaux. Fully committed to  passing on her knowledge to her students, she lectures alongside her professional  activity as a lawyer, as well  as being co-author of the work “Métiers d’art et Numérique” ( Artistic Trades and Digitalisation) European by heart [lire plus]

College of Experts FEDE : “Maître” SARA BYSTRÖM2023-02-23T15:30:56+01:00
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