Marie Sorbier

Marie Sorbier, producer of a bulletin on the national French radio station France Culture, joins the FEDE Panel of Experts What did you study? I graduated with a master’s from the EAC; I was ranked first in my year. I wrote my dissertation on the sacred roots of journeys: ‘Is a Journey a Secular Pilgrimage?’ I then wrote a doctoral thesis on the anthropology of art at the EHESS. My research focused on the power of images. What have been the highlights of your career?  I started out as a parliamentary assistant at the French Senate, where I worked for the Cultural Affairs Committee. I went on to work as a consultant in cultural institutions, first focusing on communications, then later on events and patronage. In 2015 I created a [lire plus]

Marie Sorbier2024-01-26T14:39:29+01:00

Patrick Vieu

Patrick Vieu: ‘We should build rather than undergo globalisation’ A graduate of the ENA ("Léon Gambetta" class of 1991-1993) and Sciences Po Paris, Patrick Vieu also has a PhD in philosophy. Among his various posts, from 2012-2014 he was the French President’s Advisor on the Environment and the Regions, focusing on transport and sustainable development. A member of the FEDE’s Academic Council, in this interview he shares his views on globalisation. ‘We should build rather than undergo globalisation’… Nice phrasing, but what does it mean?  We can manage the demographic, environmental and migration-related challenges of globalisation if we are able to produce, collectively, a representation of the world that the majority of people can approve. Rather than a globalisation based on forced interdependencies, we need a globalisation based on active [lire plus]

Patrick Vieu2024-01-26T14:39:42+01:00

Interview of Jean Fossiez

Jean Fossiez : ‘The FEDE DBA vehicles my ongoing desire for personal growth’ Can you tell us about your previous studies? I have an engineering degree in agriculture from the Institut Supérieur en Agriculture, Lille; it’s a background that has given me a critical approach to practical and concrete issues. What have been the highlights of your professional career so far? I initially worked in the supermarket sector (1986 to 1998). In 1998 I decided to start a career in education, and this turned out to be my true vocation. Nonetheless, I’ve maintained a keen interest in my initial area of expertise – agriculture. Since 1998 I’ve worked as an instructor in various educational institutions. That’s how I came to hear of the FEDE DBA, which is offered to students [lire plus]

Interview of Jean Fossiez2024-01-26T14:40:11+01:00

Interviews with Rémi Victorin

Rémi Victorin: ‘This DBA is one of the most important landmarks in my career’ What has been your experience during your two years at the Doctoral School? My two years at the Doctoral School have been extremely informative and enriching. The chief reason is that Professor Bischoff, who is a French-state accredited research supervisor, has helped me to identify an optimal research methodology and analytic approach. Can you tell us more about the subject of your DBA? Though it was not initially my intention, the subject relates very much to contemporary affairs. At the outset I planned to work on financial crises, with the 2008 subprime crisis as my central focus. In the first part of the DBA I planned to discuss the origins of the crisis and the solutions [lire plus]

Interviews with Rémi Victorin2024-01-26T14:40:21+01:00

Interview of Benoit RICO

Benoit RICO ‘I was convinced by the FEDE’s international reputation’ Can you tell us about your previous studies? I have a FEDE European Master’s in Management and Business Strategy (ENACO) as well as a FEDE European Bachelor’s (DEES) in Marketing, plus a BTS in Business Unit Management. What have been the highlights of your professional career so far? Having gathered experience as a company employee, working for example as assistant manager in a company dedicated to the food trade and communications manager in a consulting firm, I took the plunge and became an insurance agent. This has enabled me to enjoy the freedom, challenges and risk of entrepreneurship. The personal investment is such that my current status has nothing to do with any of my previous positions. Why did you [lire plus]

Interview of Benoit RICO2024-01-26T14:44:02+01:00

World NGO Day

On 27 February the FEDE attended the World NGO Day debate organised by the Conference of INGOs. The debate was entitled ‘Why do we need NGOs? (I)NGO contribution to the work and to the mandate of the Council of Europe’. In today’s Europe, democratic principles are being increasingly challenged. The debate of 27 February was an opportunity for civil society representatives, diplomats, students and Council of Europe staff to reaffirm the central role of NGOs in defending human rights, democracy and the rule of law. In close contact with citizens, NGOs work hard to find fresh solutions to contemporary challenges linked to education and culture, migration, the respect of fundamental rights, climate change and many others. The FEDE is proud to belong to the Council of Europe’s Conference of INGOs, [lire plus]

World NGO Day2024-01-26T15:14:56+01:00

Tribute to Professor Ardelean

The FEDE wishes to pay tribute to Professor Ardelean, Vice-President of the FEDE, who passed away in Arad, Romania, on 26 December. A pioneer in the field of education, a man of vision and of profound humanity, over a period of more than fifteen years Professor Ardelean was frequently elected a member of the FEDE’s Executive Council and played a leading role in promoting our Federation internationally. A biologist by training, Professor Ardelean founded the ‘Vasile Goldiş’ Western University of Arad (UVVG) in 1990. He was rector of the UVVG for more than twenty years, developing programmes in medicine, pharmacy, sciences and management. Nowadays the UVVG has six faculties and proposes a large range of bachelor’s, master’s and PhD programmes taught in French, English and Romanian.  Several thousand students are [lire plus]

Tribute to Professor Ardelean2024-01-26T15:15:05+01:00

Europe at the heart of FEDE schools!

The Alliance Européenne, a FEDE network school, welcomes Jean-Charles Leygues, former director of the antitrust policy of the European Commission. For a new lecture cycle based on the topic “The necessity of today’s Europe”, a lecture that provides the opportunity to go over the crucial role played by European players, the issues they face and the school’s strong commitment to European values. The Alliance Européenne, a school located in Périgueux (France), offers many European diplomas in fields such as management, marketing, human resources and finance. The school offers quality education that is open to the world and its issues, and is keen on transmitting European civil values to all of its students. The entire FEDE team is proud of this student and pedagogical momentum around its own founding values: the [lire plus]

Europe at the heart of FEDE schools!2024-01-26T15:16:05+01:00

The FEDE celebrates Europe!

On 9th May, more than any other day, the FEDE celebrates Europe and vigorously reiterates its attachment to the shared and founding values of the European project: a day for knowledge, a day for the youth, a day for citizenship, a day for peace, a day for progress… All over Europe, the FEDE associates with all events and initiatives that embrace these values, pursue these ideals and celebrate the ideas of success, trust and solidarity. In addition, the FEDE team will be present this Saturday 13th May at the front court of the Paris City Hall for Europe Day organised by the City of Paris, House of Europe in Paris, the European Commission Representation Office in France and the European Parliament Information Office in France.

The FEDE celebrates Europe!2024-01-26T15:18:57+01:00

Live from… the Council of Europe!

The FEDE is participating in the 32nd Session of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg – France which has for main themes: Migrations, Citizen Participation and Local and Regional Democracy in Europe. Represented by Mrs. Claude Vivier Le Got, Chairwoman, and Mr. Rinaldo Rosso, Vice-President, the FEDE is an active participant in the debates and brings its expertise on all the themes surrounding the domains of Education, Teaching, and Training. At the heart of the exchanges during this 32nd Congress: the role of local authorities facing migration, the reception of unaccompanied child migrants and border regions facing migration flows. The Congress will also examine the state of local and regional democracy in Finland, the state of local democracy in Malta, Estonia and Iceland, as well as a report on the [lire plus]

Live from… the Council of Europe!2024-01-26T15:19:07+01:00
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