Francois-Bernard-Huyghe Influence day… Who influences whom?
A member of the FEDE’s Academic Council, Francois Bernard Huyghe is also Director of Research at IRIS (French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs) and President of OSI (Observatoire stratégique de l’information), formerly known as the Observatoire géostratégique de l’information, which analyses how information influences countries socially and politically. He will be taking part in this year’s annual Influence Day on 22 April. The event, which is dedicated to media intelligence, corporate communications and influence communication, is organised by the French Ecole de guerre and will take place at 196 rue de Grenelle in Paris’s seventh arrondissement. The focus will be on rethinking global communication and influence strategies: why should they be rethought, how should we do so, and who should be involved? The event brings together a number of [lire plus]