Interview of Jean Fossiez

Jean Fossiez : ‘The FEDE DBA vehicles my ongoing desire for personal growth’ Can you tell us about your previous studies? I have an engineering degree in agriculture from the Institut Supérieur en Agriculture, Lille; it’s a background that has given me a critical approach to practical and concrete issues. What have been the highlights of your professional career so far? I initially worked in the supermarket sector (1986 to 1998). In 1998 I decided to start a career in education, and this turned out to be my true vocation. Nonetheless, I’ve maintained a keen interest in my initial area of expertise – agriculture. Since 1998 I’ve worked as an instructor in various educational institutions. That’s how I came to hear of the FEDE DBA, which is offered to students [lire plus]

Interview of Jean Fossiez2024-01-26T14:40:11+01:00

Interviews with Rémi Victorin

Rémi Victorin: ‘This DBA is one of the most important landmarks in my career’ What has been your experience during your two years at the Doctoral School? My two years at the Doctoral School have been extremely informative and enriching. The chief reason is that Professor Bischoff, who is a French-state accredited research supervisor, has helped me to identify an optimal research methodology and analytic approach. Can you tell us more about the subject of your DBA? Though it was not initially my intention, the subject relates very much to contemporary affairs. At the outset I planned to work on financial crises, with the 2008 subprime crisis as my central focus. In the first part of the DBA I planned to discuss the origins of the crisis and the solutions [lire plus]

Interviews with Rémi Victorin2024-01-26T14:40:21+01:00

Interview of Benoit RICO

Benoit RICO ‘I was convinced by the FEDE’s international reputation’ Can you tell us about your previous studies? I have a FEDE European Master’s in Management and Business Strategy (ENACO) as well as a FEDE European Bachelor’s (DEES) in Marketing, plus a BTS in Business Unit Management. What have been the highlights of your professional career so far? Having gathered experience as a company employee, working for example as assistant manager in a company dedicated to the food trade and communications manager in a consulting firm, I took the plunge and became an insurance agent. This has enabled me to enjoy the freedom, challenges and risk of entrepreneurship. The personal investment is such that my current status has nothing to do with any of my previous positions. Why did you [lire plus]

Interview of Benoit RICO2024-01-26T14:44:02+01:00

Une absolue soif de justice

Avocate brillante, combattante infatigable à l’assaut de toutes les injustices, militante charismatique portant haut la voix des femmes dans leurs revendications émancipatrices, écrivaine de talent auteure d’une quinzaine d’ouvrages, Gisèle Halimi s’est éteinte, à l’âge de 93 ans, ce 28 juillet 2020, à Paris. Dans la Tunisie des années 30 où elle grandit, Zeïza/Gisèle Taïeb, petite fille au caractère déjà bien trempé, ne s’en laisse conter ni par les impératifs du patriarcat local, ni par ceux d’un Protectorat français exogène. Dès l’âge de huit ans, Zeïza se révolte contre la haine de son institutrice qui la traite de «sale juive», de «sale bicote», gifles et coups de règles ponctuant de blessures physiques la violence verbale du dominant. Pour une enfant née d’une mère juive et d’un père d’origine berbère, la [lire plus]

Une absolue soif de justice2023-02-23T15:26:50+01:00

Meeting with Antony Mahé, member of the Panel of Experts of the FEDE

Antony Mahé, Doctor of Sociology, is Director of Studies at Eranos. Discover his current research and work. What is your professional news? I am working at Eranos on a project to write a book that will be published in early 2021. It is an international survey on the social construction of women's self-confidence, carried out in 11 countries and financed by L'Oréal. I am also carrying out several parallel studies on the issue of care, concern and vulnerability of companies, which allows us to rethink the question of commitment (beyond the normative framework of Corporate Social Responsibility), trust and managerial figures (Perrier-Jouët, Axa Prévention, Pierre Fabre, L'Oréal). Finally, in connection with La Poste, my main work focuses on the digital economy and the theme of the attention economy, the rare [lire plus]

Meeting with Antony Mahé, member of the Panel of Experts of the FEDE2023-02-23T15:26:51+01:00

Bertrand Pavlik: A valuable reinforcement for the FEDE’s panel of experts

Lawyer, Councillor of the 6th arrondissement of Paris for nearly 20 years, columnist on Sud Radio, lecturer at the University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, Bertand Pavlik was also seven times French Champion of American Football. He shares his eclecticism with the FEDE. What is your background? I have two postgraduate degrees in law (in 1989, University of Paris Nanterre and in 1990, University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne) and the CAPA (Certificat d'Aptitude à la Profession d'Avocat). I am also a graduate of the ESCP (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris 1992). What is your current position? I am a lawyer at the Paris Bar. I chose to practice this profession because I feel empathy for people and also to participate in the smooth running of society. I work in [lire plus]

Bertrand Pavlik: A valuable reinforcement for the FEDE’s panel of experts2023-02-23T15:26:51+01:00

Frédéric Vincent: “I chose the novel to speak about the change of times”

Doctor in sociology, psychoanalyst, Frédéric Vincent has just published a book entitled "Geek theory".  In this novel peopled with sexy coldplayers, frustrated gamers, and people who conceive existence as an online game, the author, a member of the FEDE's panel of experts, delivers a real socio-psychoanalytical chronicle of the present time. Meeting with the author. What is your background? Doctor of Sociology from the University of Paris Descartes, I am a psychoanalyst and currently President of the Association of European psychoanalysts. I am also a researcher at the Centre d'études sur l'actuel et le contemporain (CEAQ). What is the purpose of your research? I work on contemporary heroism as it appears in movies and video games. Thus, from a socio-philosophical approach, I explore the myths that are found in films [lire plus]

Frédéric Vincent: “I chose the novel to speak about the change of times”2024-01-26T14:44:20+01:00

Stéphane Hugon: he wants to enable companies to better understand and take part in society

Stéphane Hugon, sociologist and business leader, has one objective: he wants to enable companies to better understand and take part in society. Meeting with this new member of the Panel of Experts of the FEDE. What is your background? After a master's degree in communication (University of Avignon), I decided, following a meeting with Professor Maffesoli, who is also a member of the Academic Council of the FEDE to do a postgraduate degree in sociology. This one ended with a thesis presentation at the University of Paris Descartes. The object of my research was the imaginary of the digital world. What are the highlights of your current professional life? Co-founder and director of Eranos, a company that studies and advises companies, I am also a teacher at the ENSCI (national [lire plus]

Stéphane Hugon: he wants to enable companies to better understand and take part in society2023-02-23T15:26:52+01:00

Les métiers de la logistique : quels enjeux ?

Dans le contexte du Covid-19, les métiers de la logistique ont été propulsés sur le devant de la scène médiatique. Méconnu du grand public, le secteur de la logistique regroupe toutes les activités qui gèrent des flux, quels qu’ils soient. Le confinement a accéléré la demande de mobilité tant des marchandises que des données. Les entreprises ont dû s’adapter dans l’urgence et faire preuve d’une grande agilité dans un environnement international devenu très complexe. En effet, non seulement les entreprises ont affronté la grande diversité des mesures politiques prises à l’échelle nationale voire régionale, mais de surcroit, doivent toujours fonctionner en tenant compte de l’instabilité de ces mesures. . . Le secteur de la logistique est en quelque sorte le secteur qui exploite les réseaux artériels, veineux et neuronaux des [lire plus]

Les métiers de la logistique : quels enjeux ?2023-02-23T15:26:53+01:00


Ylljet Alicka was kind enough to answer our questions following the release of his latest novel (La valse du bonheur). What was the trigger for writing this novel? An article in the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera in 2002. It was about an Albanian family that had sought refuge in the Italian embassy in Tirana. I built my novel around their story, which is closely connected with the events that were sending shockwaves through Albania at the time. Through the story I express my views and feelings on themes such as courage, dignity and human cowardice. Can you give us an overview of the plot? In anticipation (though they do not know it) of the ‘future consequences’ of the fall of the Berlin Wall, six Albanian citizens seek refuge in [lire plus]

AN INTERVIEW WITH YLLJET ALICKA2023-02-23T15:26:53+01:00
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