Festival « Les Sacrées Journées » à Strasbourg

Brochure-web-SJ-2020 La FEDE renouvelle son soutien au Festival 2020 des Sacrées Journées de Strasbourg. Cette action s’intègre dans une démarche de meilleure connaissance des religions et de leur capacité à dialoguer entre elles. Le dialogue « intercultuel » est une composante essentielle du vivre ensemble dans une société harmonieuse. La FEDE s’implique dans la formation des citoyens de demain, laquelle passe nécessairement par la prise en compte de l’altérité et du respect des différences. Les Sacrées Journées proposent des moments inédits de musique et de fraternité. »

Festival « Les Sacrées Journées » à Strasbourg2023-02-23T15:26:54+01:00


Eric Dumartin, a human resources expert and education and training professional, has recently joined the FEDE’s Panel of Experts What did you study? I’ve studied in a number of business schools. I have a master’s in human resources management from the Institut Supérieur de Gestion, Paris (2004), a human resources management diploma from INSEEC Business School (1985) and a certificate awarded by Roosevelt University, Chicago (1984). Would have been the highlights of your career? I have many years’ experience in human resources management. I began in 1999 as Human Resources Director at BancTec (a company specialising in financial transactions and payment methods processing), before taking up the same role at Affinion Group - Webloyalty (a direct marketing firm) from 2000 to 2014. I also worked for a year at LINKBYNET [lire plus]

A NEW EXPERT AT THE FEDE2023-02-23T15:26:55+01:00

François Schweitzer: an ambassador for French luxury in the Middle East

François Schweitzer works in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), where he is in charge of luxury brand marketing in the Middle East. He has recently joined the FEDE’s Panel of Experts, bringing with him bags of global perspective. What did you study? From 1990 to 1993 I studied communications and culture within the EAC (Economics, Art and Culture) Group, which was managed at the time by Claude Vivier le Got, now Chairwoman of the Federation for EDucation in Europe. I was lucky to benefit from a brilliant, varied programme, during which I began to build a professional network thanks to my teachers and lecturers. What have been the highlights of your career? I joined the Chaloub Group nearly 20 years ago. I’ve worked here in the past as both Sales Manager [lire plus]

François Schweitzer: an ambassador for French luxury in the Middle East2023-02-23T15:26:55+01:00

Democracy in danger – humanism to the rescue!

Jean-Michel Quillardet (PhD in literature), a well-known lawyer and long-term member of the FEDE’s Academic Council, has just published his latest work at Editions Dervy. Pour un humanisme universel : Force, beauté et sagesse de la république laïque [Universal Humanism: the Strength, Beauty and Wisdom of the Secular Republic] is both profound and accessible, arguing that humanism is as relevant today as it ever was. For the author, 21st-century humanism means inscribing ourselves in a history and an intellectual heritage and, on the basis of these traditions, contributing to the development of a social project. In an increasingly dehumanised world in which mass crimes are committed before our very eyes, the humanist project – a form of optimism based on faith in humankind’s natural capacities – is as pressing as ever. 21st-century [lire plus]

Democracy in danger – humanism to the rescue!2023-02-23T15:26:56+01:00

Solenn Thomas: ‘Companies can and must reconcile human and economic concerns.’

Solenn Thomas is a managerial staff recruitment consultant at Alexander Hughes. Her job? To headhunt exceptional, high-potential professionals. She is also founder of the Eklore Festival, which brought together 1000 innovative entrepreneurs at the Paris City Hall last year.      What did you study and what have been the highlights of your career? I’m a graduate of the Ecole de commerce de Clermont (2004). I also have a bachelor’s in philosophy (Aix-en-Provence, 2003). I’m currently a member of the course committee for the professional master’s in philosophy (Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne University). And since 2006 I’ve been a recruitment consultant at Alexander Hughes, specialising in headhunting strategic French and European managerial staff. So you’re active both in France and abroad? Yes. I help large corporations recruit experts and strategists – particularly exceptional, [lire plus]

Solenn Thomas: ‘Companies can and must reconcile human and economic concerns.’2023-02-23T15:26:58+01:00

Hommage au père fondateur Erasmus Domenico Lenarduzzi

Domenico Lenarduzzi est décédé le 2 décembre dernier. À cette occasion la présidente de la FEDE Claude Vivier Le Got tient à exprimer toute sa sympathie à sa famille mais plus largement aussi à rappeler à tous à quel point le message qu’il a porté toute sa vie, synonyme d’ouverture et de tolérance, est encore aujourd’hui au cœur de tous les enjeux de l’éducation. Considéré par beaucoup comme le père du programme européen Erasmus, Domenico Lenarduzzi était avant tout un européen convaincu. Turinois de naissance, c’est en Belgique qu’il avait trouvé refuge avec sa famille pendant la guerre où il sera diplômé de l’université catholique de Louvain. Il entre ensuite comme fonctionnaire dans les années 60 auprès de la commission européenne, et gravit petit à petit les échelons. Persuadé qu’il [lire plus]

Hommage au père fondateur Erasmus Domenico Lenarduzzi2023-02-23T15:26:58+01:00

The Academic Council has gained a new member: Coralia Cotoraci

Rector of the Vasile Goldiş University (UVVG) in Arad, Romania, Coralia Cotoraci is a medical professional and renowned teacher. She has just joined the FEDE’s Academic Council. In addition to a PhD (thesis title ‘Morphological and Evolving Clinical Aspects of Myelodysplastic Syndromes’), Coralia Cotoraci also has a master’s in psychology and psychotherapy. Well known in the medical sector in Romania, she specialises in internal medicine (haematology) and teaches haematology, bioethics and medical ethics at the faculties of medicine, pharmacy and dental surgery of the University of Arad. A participant in numerous international research projects, Coralia Cotoraci has completed her professional profile with experience in team and general management. She currently heads the haematology department of the Arad Regional Emergency Hospital, where she manages a large team of medical and administrative [lire plus]

The Academic Council has gained a new member: Coralia Cotoraci2023-02-23T15:27:02+01:00

Cathy Leblanc: musicologist-philosopher, musician and author at the FEDE

Cathy Leblanc has a PhD and post-doctoral degree in philosophy. In addition to teaching at Lille-3 University, she is also a musician. A proud new addition to the FEDE’s Academic Council! Can you tell us more about your studies? I have a DEUG, a bachelor’s, a master’s and a DEA in English (Lille-3 University, 2001). I also have a bachelor’s and master’s in philosophy (Lille-3 University, 1997). I obtained my thesis (2007) and post-doctoral degree in philosophy (2009) at the Institut Catholique, Paris. What have been the highlights of your career? I have been teaching British civilisation at Lille-3 University since 1998. I initially worked with musicology students (I taught in English on Shakespeare and music), then economics and management students (globalisation) and history students (civilisation: invasions, the British constitution, [lire plus]

Cathy Leblanc: musicologist-philosopher, musician and author at the FEDE2023-02-23T15:30:34+01:00

Victor Towo Kamga, a specialist in law and public finance, has joined the Academic Council.

The FEDE is delighted to count the lawyer Victor Towo Kamga amongst the members of its Academic Council. A senior staff member at the French Directorate General of Public Finances, Victor Towo Kamga will provide the FEDE’s existing experts with specialist knowledge on African issues, public finance and law. What and where did you study? In September 1993 I obtained an advanced degree (French DEA) in contentious law, graduating top of my year. In 2005 I completed a PhD in law at the University of Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne. Since then I have not stopped learning: on 5 December 2013, after undergoing the necessary professional ethics review in Paris, I obtained a professional lawyer’s certificate and was sworn in by the Bar of Beauvais. What have been the highlights of your career? As temporary [lire plus]

Victor Towo Kamga, a specialist in law and public finance, has joined the Academic Council.2023-02-23T15:30:35+01:00

World NGO Day

On 27 February the FEDE attended the World NGO Day debate organised by the Conference of INGOs. The debate was entitled ‘Why do we need NGOs? (I)NGO contribution to the work and to the mandate of the Council of Europe’. In today’s Europe, democratic principles are being increasingly challenged. The debate of 27 February was an opportunity for civil society representatives, diplomats, students and Council of Europe staff to reaffirm the central role of NGOs in defending human rights, democracy and the rule of law. In close contact with citizens, NGOs work hard to find fresh solutions to contemporary challenges linked to education and culture, migration, the respect of fundamental rights, climate change and many others. The FEDE is proud to belong to the Council of Europe’s Conference of INGOs, [lire plus]

World NGO Day2024-01-26T15:14:56+01:00
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