Blerina Zoto: an Albanian Francophile fighting for the dignity of minority populations

Blerina Zoto (MA, University of Montesquieu Bordeaux IV) is a humanitarian worker. What have been the highlights of your career? Throughout my career, and especially over the past ten years, I have held posts in the Albanian government. I have worked to defend human rights generally and the rights of Roma populations more specifically, striving both to advance their economic development and to increase their social integration. What was your main role within the Albanian government? As part of my position as Director of the technical secretariat of the Albanian Ministry for Social Protection and Youth, I had the honour of representing the Albanian government at the United Nations and European institutions. At the Council of Europe I was named ‘national expert on Roma-related issues’ (CAHROM) and ‘member of the [lire plus]

Blerina Zoto: an Albanian Francophile fighting for the dignity of minority populations2023-02-23T15:30:35+01:00

Anthony Mahe: why the humanities are good for business[

Director of Research at Eranos, Anthony Mahe has a PhD (2010) in sociology from Paris Descartes University. A business-savvy academic, he has just joined the FEDE’s Panel of Experts. What exactly did you study at university? My thesis was on bank debt. Written in collaboration with GE Money Bank, it was funded by a CIFRE (Conventions Industrielles de Formation pour la Recherche) grant awarded by the ANRT (Agence Nationale pour la Recherche). I now realise that my thesis had some indirect links to the FEDE! Michel Maffesoli, Director of GE Money Bank at the time, is now a member of the FEDE’s Academic Council, and Clarisse Angelier, Delegate General of the ANRT, is a member of the Panel of Experts. What have been the highlights of your career? After working [lire plus]

Anthony Mahe: why the humanities are good for business[2023-02-23T15:30:36+01:00

Stéphane Solotareff: physicist and psychologist at the FEDE

Cyberneticist and psychologist Stéphane Solotareff has had an unusual career path. A graduate of the French engineering school CentraleSupélec (1977), he went on to obtain a PhD in theoretical physics (1979) following publication of his report to the French Academy of Sciences. He is also a graduate of the Institut de Haute Finance, where he wrote his dissertation on economic systems (1990). In 1994 he qualified as dielian (based on the theories of Paul Diel) therapist. In 2007 Professor Solotareff created a socio-cognitive method for analyzing company personnel – a method that he went on to apply in major companies such as ITW, IBM, Legrand and others. His systemic approach to psychology has enabled him to work on a range of HR topics. He now works exclusively on the psychology [lire plus]

Stéphane Solotareff: physicist and psychologist at the FEDE2023-02-23T15:30:37+01:00

Daniel Peyron, one of the Panel of Expert’s leading academics

Daniel Peyron, former Director of Sup de Co La Rochelle, has returned to the FEDE as a member of the Panel of Experts. He is now Director of the HECI Business School network – a group of schools and universities aiming to train modern, versatile managers for the Moroccan and African markets. What did you study and what have been the highlights of your career? I graduated from ESC Bordeaux and began my career in industry – first at Schlumberger, then as Management Auditor for the L’Oréal Group. In 1976 I helped found INSEEC Bordeaux, which I headed until 1989, whilst also teaching management auditing at the University of Bordeaux 1. In 1990 I founded and became the director of Acadis – an elite secondary school based on a new [lire plus]

Daniel Peyron, one of the Panel of Expert’s leading academics2023-02-23T15:30:37+01:00

Emilie Coutant: sociologist of the imaginary and company director

The latest addition to the FEDE’s Panel of Experts, Emilie Coutant is a lecturer and researcher at the University of Angers and the University of Montpellier (IRSA-CRI research lab) and writer-editor for Cahiers Européens de l'Imaginaire (CNRS Editions). Find out more below! Can you tell us about your studies and your current job role? I did my PhD in Sociology at Paris Descartes University. My thesis concerned how masculinity has changed over time. Afterwards I decided to become an independent sociologist and I founded my company Tendance Sociale in 2008. I combine my role as company manager with teaching and research in universities. How would you describe the role of an independent sociologist? Freelance sociologists are a new phenomenon. It’s a profession that applies academic research and skills to the [lire plus]

Emilie Coutant: sociologist of the imaginary and company director2023-02-23T15:30:37+01:00

Tribute to Professor Ardelean

The FEDE wishes to pay tribute to Professor Ardelean, Vice-President of the FEDE, who passed away in Arad, Romania, on 26 December. A pioneer in the field of education, a man of vision and of profound humanity, over a period of more than fifteen years Professor Ardelean was frequently elected a member of the FEDE’s Executive Council and played a leading role in promoting our Federation internationally. A biologist by training, Professor Ardelean founded the ‘Vasile Goldiş’ Western University of Arad (UVVG) in 1990. He was rector of the UVVG for more than twenty years, developing programmes in medicine, pharmacy, sciences and management. Nowadays the UVVG has six faculties and proposes a large range of bachelor’s, master’s and PhD programmes taught in French, English and Romanian.  Several thousand students are [lire plus]

Tribute to Professor Ardelean2024-01-26T15:15:05+01:00


The FEDE Language Certificate has been officially recognised by the Institut de la Francophonie pour l’Education et la Formation (IFEF)! In a convention signed on 13 November 2018, the IFEF gave its stamp of approval to the Certificate, confirming its quality and utility for learners. The IFEF’s official recognition of the FEDE’s Language Certificate is an exciting next step following our INGO’s accreditation by the International Organisation of La Francophonie last July [lien vers l’autre article]. The FEDE currently holds consultative status at La Francophonie. Based on the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and available in CEFR levels A2-C1, the FEDE Language Certificate can be taken in six European languages and focuses on testing the language skills needed in professional and workplace situations. The Language [lire plus]



The Panel of Experts is pleased to welcome new member Jean-Jacques Urvoy. Designer, manager and psychoanalyst, Jean-Jacques Urvoy is a multitalented professional, firmly grounded in the contemporary business world. Having initially studied engineering at the Ecole d’ingénierie et d’innovation textile, then management and finance at the l’Ecole des Dirigeants et des Créateurs d'Entreprise, Jean-Jacques Urvoy quickly developed a passion for marketing and communications. After working in product launch management at Cartier International and strategy management at the design agency Carré Noir (Groupe Publicis), Jean-Jacques Urvoy soon began founding and managing his own agencies, including ProximityBBDO (formerly Le Clan Design). He also founded U/C Consultants, a research and operational analysis firm that brings together a team of brand experts and design and creative professionals. Editor and author of a number of [lire plus]

NEW FEDE EXPERT2023-02-23T15:30:39+01:00

The FEDE, officially accredited by La Francophonie

On 3 July 2018, the FEDE was officially accredited by La Francophonie and now holds consultative status with the organisation. Reputed for their experience and expertise, INGOs accredited by La Francophonie play an important role in promoting French-speaking culture across the world. The FEDE has already been awarded the Swiss government’s Eduqua label and is recognised by the Fédération des Entreprises et Entrepreneurs de France and the Moroccan Fédération Nationale de l’Industrie Hôtelière. Many FEDE qualifications are also registered with France’s Commission Nationale de la Certification Professionnelle. Accreditation by La Francophonie further reinforces our international standing and reputation. Since 1970 La Francophonie, which currently has 84 Member States, has been working to promote active solidarity between French-speaking nations sharing universal values of democracy and respect for human rights. Every two [lire plus]

The FEDE, officially accredited by La Francophonie2023-02-23T15:30:39+01:00

Clarisse Angelier: ‘Cooperation between the public and private sectors invigorates French research and innovation’.

Clarisse Angelier, who has a PhD in material sciences, is Delegate-General of the Association Nationale de Recherche Technologie (ANRT: the National Association of Research and Technology). In the following interview she talks about her unwavering belief in the value of exchanges between private business and public institutions. Tell us about your education. After obtaining a PhD in material sciences (metallurgy), I studied from 2009-2010 at the l’Institut des Hautes Etudes pour la Science et la Technologie (IHEST). In 2016 I completed a training programme in business management at the ESSEC (École supérieure des sciences économiques et commerciales). Do you have teaching experience? During the 1990s I lectured in material sciences. Later I was Secretary-General of the CACEMI (Centre d’actualisation des connaissances en matériaux industriels) of the Cnam (Conservatoire national des [lire plus]

Clarisse Angelier: ‘Cooperation between the public and private sectors invigorates French research and innovation’.2023-02-23T15:30:40+01:00
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