Tourism is a forward-looking, fast-growing sector offering multiple job opportunities and driving the global economy. In order to grow in the sector, professionals must be able to propose services that match up with relevant trends, cultures and consumer behaviour.
The European Bachelor’s in Tourism and Hospitality provides operational skills giving access to jobs requiring customer service skills, adaptability and responsiveness. Careers are available in a range of sectors, including travel services, accommodation, transportation and leisure activities.
- Tourism Development Manager
- Tourist Board Policy Officer
- Hospitality Management Assistant
- Hotel Receptionist
- Restaurant Manager
- Travel Agent
- Reservations Agent
- Service Counter Agent
- Hospitality Agent
- Tourist Guide
- Travel Companion
- Have a good understanding of the tourism sector
- Be familiar with the main attractions and tourist sites internationally
- Design a travel programme
- Design an itinerary and tourist circuit
- Assess cost-efficiency
- Conduct market research
- Implement a 4-Ps policy and apply it to a tourism product
- Use new technology to research information
- Tourism Market Research
- Tourism Products
- Regulations and Tourist Management