European Bachelor’s: Junior Human resources Manager

European Bachelor’s: Junior Human resources Manager Educational level: BACHELOR EUROPEEN Areas of excellence: Management - Organisational strategy - Human resources Companies face numerous challenges in today’s globalised economy: a lack of medium-or long-term visibility, economic instability, the breakdown of traditional structures, volatility and a fast pace. In such a context, companies must be able to rapidly adapt, and staff must be ready to manage change. The human resources department is on the frontline in terms of helping and facilitating ongoing change. Certain HR tasks are increasingly automated or outsourced. The HR Department must therefore be agile and experienced in project management so as to adjust to changing staff and skills needs and help promote the growth of a company. Human resources junior [lire plus]

European Bachelor’s: Junior Human resources Manager2023-03-01T16:24:26+01:00

European Bachelor’s in SME Management

European Bachelor’s in SME Management Educational level: EUROPEAN BACHELOR Areas of excellence: Management - Organisational strategy - Human resources Download the degree description Whether specialised in commerce or distribution, SMEs offer a dynamic and competitive working environment with exciting career prospects. Extensive management and administrative skills are essential in order to guide and support a business’s strategy. Those providing managerial and administrative support to SMEs need the ability to analyse and to take decisions based on extensive and specialised knowledge of taxation and accounting, business communications, human resources and sales. Autonomy and flexibility are essential qualities for those whose task is to help a business grow and thrive; but equally important is the ability to ensure efficient workplace organisation. [lire plus]

European Bachelor’s in SME Management2024-07-23T13:44:06+02:00

European Bachelor’s in Quality, Safety and Environment

European Bachelor’s in Quality, Safety and Environment Educational level: BACHELOR EUROPEEN Areas of excellence: Management - Organisational strategy - Human resources Download the degree description As part of a company’s development strategy, quality, safety and environment (QSE) specialists provide risk management expertise and help implement a company’s integrated management system. Careers in this domain are ever-evolving and closely associated with sustainable development. QSE professionals may choose to specialise in a specific domain, such as industry or construction, or else to develop their careers in fields associated with quality control, such as professional training. QSE experts must be extremely rigorous and possess both excellent people and technical skills. QSE Assistant Deputy QSE Manager QSE Facilitator QSE Policy Officer QSE Auditor [lire plus]

European Bachelor’s in Quality, Safety and Environment2022-11-18T16:31:51+01:00

European Bachelor’s: Payroll Manager

European Bachelor’s: Payroll Manager Educational level: BACHELOR EUROPEEN Areas of excellence: Management - Organisational strategy - Human resources DOWNLOAD THE DEGREE DESCRIPTION Previously managed by the accounting or HR departments, payroll has become a distinct section within companies. Indeed, payroll is not just about paying staff: as a source of staff motivation (or demotivation), it is a veritable strategic tool, and has consequently become an essential aspect of management. Payroll managers and their team oversee staff pay, carry out staff administration tasks, select payroll monitoring tools and conduct payroll audits. The European Bachelor’s: Payroll Manager provides students with an introduction to payroll skills, labour law and staff administration as well as team management methods. Payroll administrator Payroll manager Social [lire plus]

European Bachelor’s: Payroll Manager2024-07-23T13:54:45+02:00

European Master’s in Digital Management

European Master’s in Digital Management Educational level: MASTERE EUROPEEN Areas of excellence: Management - Organisational strategy - Human resources Today’s companies are functioning in a globalised economy in which they need new ways of thinking and new strategies to succeed. Although many have innovative ideas, they are not able to translate them into practice because company directors do not have the necessary digital management knowledge. Digital managers are therefore crucial in helping companies to make their comeback in the digital age. This two-year programme enables students to develop a strategic vision of companies and strengthen their adaptability, speed of reaction and autonomy – qualities that are essential to succeed and advance in the workplace. On completing the course, future digital managers will be [lire plus]

European Master’s in Digital Management2022-11-21T10:33:39+01:00

European Master’s in Human Resources Management

European Master’s in Human Resources Management Educational level: EUROPEAN MASTER Areas of excellence: Management - Organisational strategy - Human resources Download the degree description Human resources management is central to the functioning of every organisation: employees must be welcomed, assigned tasks and supervised throughout their careers. Successful human resources employees must be practical-minded and well-trained and possess excellent people skills. Whether they are involved in training, recruitment, social security and payroll management or relations with staff and staff representatives, human resources managers must possess both a global vision and wide-ranging expertise. Over and above legal, accounting and financial knowledge, HR specialists must also possess excellent active listening, organisation and forecasting skills. Training Manager Training Officer Recruitment Manager Recruitment Officer [lire plus]

European Master’s in Human Resources Management2023-02-09T17:24:48+01:00

European Master’s in Management and Business Strategy

European Master’s in Management and Business Strategy Educational level: EUROPEAN MASTERE Areas of excellence: Management - Organisational strategy - Human resources Download the degree description Management and business strategy can be applied in large- and medium-sized companies across sectors and in a variety of domains: human resources, marketing, B to B and international environment analysis. Graduates of the European Master’s in Management and Business Strategy can also access strategic managerial posts within SMEs. During the programme, emphasis is placed on management and human resources, as well as on business strategy, allowing students either to specialise in a single domain or to develop more general  skills applicable to a range of posts. At the end of the two-year course students apply and consolidate the [lire plus]

European Master’s in Management and Business Strategy2024-05-06T15:59:29+02:00

European MBA in Financial Strategies

European MBA in Financial Strategies Educational level: MBA Areas of excellence: Management - Organisational strategy - Human resources Sorry, this entry is only available in French. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. L’environnement international évolue et le secteur financier subit de profondes mutations (Brexit, volatilité des marchés, uberisation, désintermédiation des financements, cryptomonnaies …) dans un environnement géopolitique très instable. La digitalisation de la fonction finance est une priorité afin d’accroitre son agilité dans la perspective de la création de valeur. Cette digitalisation représente un triple défi pour toute Direction Financière : stratégique, humain et technologique. Ces évolutions mettent la fonction financière au cœur du [lire plus]

European MBA in Financial Strategies2022-11-21T12:40:54+01:00

Foundation Degree: Marketing Assistant

Foundation Degree: Marketing Assistant Educational level: FOUNDATION DEGREE Areas of excellence: commerce - marketing - communication - médias DOWNLOAD THE DEGREE DESCRIPTION The Foundation Degree: Marketing Assistant is a two-year programme covering key marketing, legal and organisational skills for contemporary companies. Recent technological advances, along with the digital revolution and its impact on consumer behaviour, have led businesses to change how they function and to seek to adapt more rapidly to today’s constantly changing economic, commercial and legal contexts. The Foundation Degree: Marketing Assistant provides students with the tools needed to meet new market demands and adjust their business strategies to a changing context. On completing the course, students are ready to take up a post in marketing or commerce. [lire plus]

Foundation Degree: Marketing Assistant2024-07-22T16:52:10+02:00

Foundation Degree: Communications Assistant

Foundation Degree: Communications Assistant Educational level: FOUNDATION DEGREE Areas of excellence: commerce - marketing - communication - médias DOWNLOAD THE DEGREE DESCRIPTION The Foundation Degree: Communications Assistant provides students with thorough training in communications, providing them with the basic skills needed to work in the sector. It also provides specialisation in commercial strategy. The degree focuses on the role played by new technology in contemporary society. It adopts both a theoretical and practical approach to communications and includes a compulsory internship, allowing students to apply their skills and prepare for their future role in the workplace. The Foundation Degree: Communications Assistant provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to study for the European Bachelor’s in Communications. Communications assistant [lire plus]

Foundation Degree: Communications Assistant2024-07-22T16:57:09+02:00
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