Institut Supérieur du Tourisme de Cannes  IST CANNES FRANCE | CANNES OVERVIEW OF THE INSTITUTION With its location in the heart of Cannes and the Côte d’Azur, the Higher Institute of Tourism benefits from a strategic environment, a territory of exception and excellence in terms of tourism. Partner of numerous professional associations at national and regional level, IST Cannes concludes more than a hundred conventions and collaborations each year in France and internationally. All our courses therefore include conferences, company visits, educational outings and study trips. Recognized for their professional and interpersonal skills, our students have the opportunity to participate in trade fairs, international congresses and prestigious events. FEDE MEMBER – [lire plus]

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YELLOWE YELLOWE FRANCE | BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT OVERVIEW OF THE INSTITUTION YellowE offers hybrid training programs and work-study, from bac +3 to bac +5 in the fields of business, marketing/communication, and human resources. (Schedule: 1 day at school / 4 days in the company.) Positive Pedagogy as a Learning Method: A method based on personal development and self-confidence that helps identify each individual's strengths to support them in reaching their potential while developing new skills and soft skills to enhance employability. YellowE understands social and environmental issues, aiming to train future experts committed to addressing today’s and tomorrow’s social and environmental challenges. FEDE MEMBER – N° 1633 Year of membership: 2024 [lire plus]



TETRANERGY BUSINESS SCHOOL Tetranergy Business School FRANCE | SAINTE CLOTILDE OVERVIEW OF THE INSTITUTION Tetranergy Business School and Apprentice Training Center offers 12 to 24-month work-study programs in various fields: Management, Commerce, Administration, Digital, Tourism, Real Estate, Health, and CSR. The degrees targeted by our programs range from high school diplomas to master's degrees, allowing specialization in a wide array of professions with promising job prospects. Our centers are located on Réunion Island and, as of this year, in mainland France: in Rodez. We boast a network of over 700 active partner companies. With their support and the passion of our trainers and the dedication of our teams, we train over 1,000 students [lire plus]

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