How can the development and usage of AI resonate with the educational sector?
The stakes are clear: it aims to examine the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the education triangle “teacher, student and knowledge” on the one hand and consider the necessary regulation linked to the usage of AI in education on the other.
To carry out this project, the Federation for European Education has organized a study day animated by seven international experts.
A collection of their contributions with a foreword by Mr. Villano QIRIAZI, Head of Education at the Council of Europe, this publication purpose a critical analysis of the media discourse on AI without neglecting the innovative initiatives for AI education and the service in education.
The objective here is to present how to teach and learn with AI, but also AI literacy and teaching and learning about AI.
Preface by Villano Qiriazi, Head of Education at the Council of Europe.
True to its educational vocation, the FEDE intends to demonstrate through the publication of this book that education and seduction are words that pair up very well.
Preface by Villano Qiriazi
Part 1: Ethics, Human rights and democracy
The links between AI and education: issues and challenges relating to the generalisation of AI
The Council of Europe’s (CoE’s) AI and digital citizenship education programmes: a policy position 25
On the added value of increasing classroom use of AI tools
Part 2: Perpectives from the scientific research
From digital twins of living systems in healthcare to hypothetical digital twins of cognitive learning processes
Part 3: In the field
The shortage of qualified labour for AI in European telecom companies: a delicate matter
Stocktaking of AI acculturation and AI pedagogy
The co-authors:
Christian Castelli: ‘I was struck by the warm and friendly atmosphere of the recent FEDE General Assembly.’
Christian Castelli is Chairman, Director-General and Founder of C2 Consulting Group, part of which is specialised in education. He talks to us about his career and explains why he joined the FEDE. What did you [lire plus]
Philippe fort: a strategist with top-notch communication skills
Philippe Fort is a managing director in the ESMOD (Ecole Supérieure des Arts et Techniques de la Mode) group. A skilled negotiator and man of taste, he is passionate about history of art and the [lire plus]
The École Enaco: an e-learning and innovation hub
The École Enaco is a business school and FEDE-network institution. In many ways it can be compared to a French grande école – an elite higher educational institution. Except that at Enaco everyone studies remotely! [lire plus]
Marie-Thérèse Camus: both a software engineer and teacher !
‘Turning talent into expertise’ – that is the credo of ITIC in Paris. We met the institution’s Director of Education Marie-Thérèse Camus, who told us more about what makes her institution so special. What did [lire plus]