The FEDE European Modern Languages Certificate is based on the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

For further information on registration for the test and testing procedures, please write to with ‘European Modern Languages Certificate’ in the subject line.
Designed by the FEDE’s team of teaching experts, the European Modern Languages Certificate, in addition to being an integral part of FEDE degree programmes, may also be taken as a stand-alone qualification.
The Certificate certifies candidates’ general modern language skills as well as their ability to communicate in key workplace situations. It tests both oral and written production and comprehension.
The Certificate is aimed both at students wishing to boost their CVs and working professionals wishing to obtain a qualification specifically tailored to the world of work. Every year around 7000 to 8000 people successfully obtain the Certificate, which is available in six European Languages (French, English, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese).
The Certificate is far more than a mere bonus for learners’ CVs: knowledge of several languages is nowadays essential for anyone wishing to develop their careers. Languages are the medium for cultural, commercial and interprofessional exchanges and the transfer of skills.
The FEDE Language Certificate helps promote intercultural skills, international mobility and democratic citizenship.

FEDE-Affiliated Language Centres