They write articles for the FEDE’s publications. They speak at our academic conferences and seminars. Some of them also teach and supervise student research projects (European Master’s and DBA degrees). Meet the members of the FEDE’s Panel of Experts, listed below in alphabetical order.
Alphabetical presentation of the members of the panel of experts
Clarisse Angelier has a PhD in materials science and is Delegate General of France’s Association Nationale de Recherche et de la Technologie (ANRT). She is a strong believer in the value of exchanges between the public and private sectors.

Antoine Béon has a master’s in product design and another in education. Having previously taught at Créapole-ESDI, he is currently Series Editor (Heroes) and Artistic Director at Hachette.
An expert in events communications, Olivier Bischoff has a research degree in economics and international commerce (Institut d’Etudes des Relations Internationales). He is currently General Director of Sport and Regions at Dentsu Consulting. He began his career at the French Ministry of Youth and Sport before taking up the post of Deputy Director of Communications at La Française des Jeux (1990-1999). From 2000 to 2010 he headed the agency Carat Sport, and from 2011 to 2016 he was Director General of MKTG, Dentsu’s lifestyle and marketing agency.
A graduate of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris, Genci Burimi also has a master’s in international relations from the Sorbonne. A former diplomat and Albanian cultural attaché in France, he currently teaches a seminar on European funds at the faculty of European Studies of the University of Cluj (Romania). He is also a journalist at Radio France Internationale in Paris and writes a column for the leading Albanian daily; he also produces the Albanian economic report for the Economist’s annual special issue ‘The World in [year x]’.
An international lawyer based in Paris, Sara Bystrom is a specialist on literary and artistic property law, photography and photographers law and internet and innovation law. Of Swedish origin, she lives in Paris and has a master’s in literary and artistic property and intellectual property from the University of Nantes, a diploma in American business law from the CNAM, Paris, and a master’s in cultural heritage from the University of Sceaux. A committed European in both her life and work, her knowledge of several languages has helped her develop a network of clients across the world. She is widely recognised as an expert on strategy for artistic and cultural operations in international law.
Knight Order of Academic Palms 2010
Holder of two DEA (International Relations Paris 13 and New Information and Communication Technologies Paris 8) and an Executive Master in International Negotiation and PoliticsInternational Relations (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies -IHEID-).
Sandra Coulibaly Leroy currently holds the position of Assistant Director, in charge of Foresight as well as Analysis and Strategic Watch within the Programming and Strategic Development Department of the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF). Created at the end of 2014, this new function aims to strengthen the institution’s capacity for strategic reflection and to engage in reflections on the future in a more open and exploratory manner within the framework of the OIF’s programming.
Lecturer at HEC Entrepreneurs, in charge of theses and dissertations.
At the initiative of the HEC Entrepreneurs Prize, created in 2016. Colonel of the Army Citizen Reserve. Member of the Société des Gens de Lettres (SGDL). Leonardo da Vinci University Pole: at the initiative of the Attract’Créa cycle (2012-2016) of the Entrepreneurship Major’s business creation seminars (2012-2016), Honorary Patron of DeVinci Startup (2017 to date). Author of numerous books on business creation, sustainable development and health management, including Eyrolles, (co-author Clarisse Angelier):
– Ces innovateurs créateurs de croissance – Quand doctorat se conjugate avec entrepreneuriat).
A sociologist specialised in the contemporary social imaginary, Emilie Coutant is a teacher-researcher at the Universities of Angers and Montpellier (IRSA-CRI Laboratory). She is also an editorial contributor to the Cahiers Européens de l’Imaginaire (CNRS Editions).
Demosthenes Davvetas is a Greek philosopher and artist with a passion for culture and education.
A former student of the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Marc Delachaussée has a DEA in general policy and strategy for organisations. In the past he has held the posts of Financial and Risk Management Director at the BPCE (Banque Populaire Caisse d’Épargne) and Treasurer at Natixis Global Asset Management (BPCE Group).
Doctor in sociology, teacher at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle (ENSCI), co-founder and director of a research and consulting company, Stéphane Hugon works on professional changes linked to digital transformation. More generally, he is interested in the imaginary of the digital world.
A graduate of the Institut d’Études Politiques, Strasbourg, Noël Imber-Bouchard has held the posts of Technical Adviser at the French Ministry of Tourism, Co-Founder and Manager of ABCD and Carbure Communication (a cultural and tourism development agency) and Secretary General at the École des Mines, Paris.
Thierry Lassalle is graduated from the University of Paris-1 in 1994 with a degree in labour law.Having initially worked as team leader for development and cooperation projects funded by major sponsors (largely in the former Soviet Union), he spent seven years as Labour Relations Manager at Thales, where he was in charge of collective negotiations and merger/integration operations. In 2006, he became Human Ressources Director at Coteba.He is currently Director of Human Resources at Artelia (construction engineering).
Jean-Philippe Lefèvre is an expert on cultural policy.
President and Director General of the JPL-CNFDI Group, Jean-Pierre Lehnisch has a PhD in law and a bachelor’s in sociology. He has dedicated his career to distance learning. In 1979 he defended (Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Paris) the first ever European thesis on distance learning. A renowned expert on open distance learning, he has published several books on the subject, mostly published by PUF, including L’enseignement à distance (Que sais-je series).
An honorary divisional superintendent, Michel Lepoix has two DESS degrees (political science and administration, Paris Panthéon-Assas University). He has held the posts of Central Commissioner of Paris’s 16th arrondissement, Director of the National Police Academy and Internal Security Officer at the French Embassy. He is considered the go-to specialist on violence in sport. In addition, Michel Lepoix has published five collections of poetry and is a radio sports journalist.
Sylvie Le Ray-Burimi has a master’s in history of art (Lyon III University). A French Chief Curator of Cultural Heritage, she heads the painting and sculpture department of the graphic and photographic art studio and documentation centre of the Army Museum (Hôtel National des Invalides), Paris. She has curated numerous exhibitions including Naissance d’une Nation (Birth of a Nation), Vu du front (Seen from the Front) and Représenter la Grande Guerre (The Great War in Images). A member of the Comité Français d’Histoire de l’Art, her recent publications have focused on the Hôtel des Invalides (history, architecture and décor), on artists and artistic heritage during wartime, and on representations of war and its participants.
Roland Lienhardt is a lawyer specialised in artistic creation and cultural practices.
Antony Mahe has a PhD in sociology from Paris Descartes University (2010). He is Director of Knowledge at Eranos.
Boris Noyet has a master’s in design and digital communications and another in education. He is a digital communications and CSR manager.
Bertrand Pavlik is lawyer. He is a graduate of the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris and holds two postgraduate diplomas (DEA). Lecturer at Paris 1, he was an advisor to the 6th arrondissement of Paris for 20 years. He is a legal expert on “Sud radio”.
Former Director General of Sup de Co La Rochelle, Daniel Peyron heads a network of universities and other institutions training versatile future senior managers in Morocco and Africa.
Jérôme Prigent is an associate professor of literature with a degree in theology. He is currently a professor of classical literature at St Germain en Laye and a lecturer at Paris VIII. At the same time, he is President of the Train de la mémoire and President of the NAVA theatre festival (Nouveaux Auteurs en Vallée d’Aude). He is also the author of numerous articles in the magazine “l’avant-scène théâtre”.
Cyberneticist and psychologist Stéphane Solotareff has an engineering degree from Supélec. His career has been both diverse and unusual. He has a PhD in theoretical physics but has also studied at the Institut de Haute Finance, where he produced a dissertation on economic systems (1990). In 1994 he qualified as a Dielian therapist, drawing on the psychological principles of Paul Diel.
Cyberneticist and psychologist Stéphane Solotareff has an engineering degree from Supélec. His career has been both diverse and unusual. He has a PhD in theoretical physics but has also studied at the Institut de Haute Finance, where he produced a dissertation on economic systems (1990). In 1994 he qualified as a Dielian therapist, drawing on the psychological principles of Paul Diel.
Jean Jacques Urvoy is a multi-talented designer, manager and psychoanalyst with solid business experience. Just like his colleagues on the Panel of Experts, his diverse experience has allowed him to pursue his values and explore new and innovative job roles.
François Ventulono is a medical doctor specialised in anaesthesiology and intensive care and sports medicine/biology. He also has a degree in health sciences and communications.
The current president of the medical committee of Gonesse Hospital, France, François Ventulono is also a fire brigade captain, a member of the French college of anaesthesiologists and intensive care specialist and a health, hygiene and safety auditor for Club Med. He has been a member of the teaching committee for Paris-Descartes University’s physiology degree since 1998.
Doctor in sociocogy, psychoanalyst practicing in Paris, Frédéric Vincent is a specialist in cultural studies in general and geek culture in particular. Researcher at the Centre d’études sur l’actuel et le contemporain (CEAQ), author, he hosts a radio program devoted to contemporary ideas.
Laurent Zerbib is a graduate of the Institut d’Etudes Politiques. He is currently Director of Ethics and Professional Ethics at France 5 (France Télévision Group). He also teaches courses on the history of television and European audiovisual production at applied arts schools and institutions offering training in cultural development.
Blerina Zloto has a master of arts degree from Montesquieu Bordeaux IV University. She is a humanitarian worker.

Albanian author, screenwriter and former Ambassador to France, Monaco, Portugal and UNESCO. Ylljet Aliçka is the Personal Representative of the President of the Republic at the International Organisation of la Francophonie. He is also a professor of educational science and the author of numerous novels, short stories and prize-winning filmscripts. He wrote the script of the French-Albanian film Slogans that was amongst the official selection for the Cannes Film Festival. The film won the Prix de la jeunesse (best foreign film category) and was the Albanian entry for the 74th Oscars (Best Foreign Language Film).
Jean-Louis Bischoff is Director of Research at the FEDE and Academic Director of the Doctoral School. He directs the trends department. A graduate of the Institut de Formation pour l’Etude et l’Enseignement des Religions (IFER), he also has a PhD in philosophy from the École Pratique des Hautes Études and is an accredited director of research (University of Artois), affiliated with the University of Artois (Texts and Cultures Lab, Children’s and Youth Literature and Culture team/Centre Robinson). A cultural trends specialist, Jean-Louis Bischoff has long been active in the music, communications and entertainment industries. He has worked on the production of musicals (Élysée Montmartre) and films (Max Linder) and has been involved in communications work for the State Department of Youth and Sport (Lille City Hall: youth subscriptions) and at La Française des jeux. He teaches philosophy in universities, arts and luxury academies and at the Institut Supérieur de Pédagogie (ISP) in Paris, focusing on creativity and contemporary trends. He also conducts research on the philosophy of religion, the rethinking of faith and the sacred in contemporary pop culture, the perception of trends, philosophy of education and aesthetics.
A Paris-based lawyer, Séverine Dupuy-Busson has a PhD in law from Paris Panthéon-Assas University and a Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English. Séverine Dupuy Busson is a specialist in criminal, copyright and press law and is the author of numerous articles published in legal journals.
President of the European Vocational Training Association, Antoine Godbert is also municipal councillor (higher education and European relations) for a town of 150,000 inhabitants. A state-accredited teacher of geography, he has served as Diplomatic Advisor for the French Ministry of Education and as Director of the agency Erasmus+ France Éducation/Formation. A former student of the ENA and the ENS Fontenay-Saint-Cloud, he has also worked as a journalist, as director of a business producing educational videos and as a geopolitics teacher-researcher at the ESCP-EAP.
A specialist in geopolitics, François-Bernard Huyghe has a PhD in political sciences and is an accredited director of research in ICT. He is currently Director of Research at the Institut de Relations Internationales et Stratégiques (IRIS), where he has established a geostrategic observatory for online information. He has worked as a television director, and as an international civil servant in the culture and communications section of UNESCO. Lecturer and author of some 20 books, he is a member of the Higher Academic Committee for Strategic Research.
Michel Maffesoli initially studied philosophy, theology and sociology. He went on to obtain a PhD in sociology and another in literature and humanities. He also has an honorary PhD from the University of Minho (Braga, Portugal), the University of Bucarest (Romania), the PUC (Porto Alegre, Brazil) and the Autonomous State University of Mexico (Mexico). He is also Professor Emeritus at Paris Descartes University, a member of the Institut Universitaire de France and the Académie Européenne des Sciences et des Arts, and Director of the Centre d’Études sur l’Actuel et le Quotidien (CEAQ) and the Centre de Recherche sur l’Imaginaire (CRI). He is also an administrator at the CNRS. He was awarded the Prix de l’Essai Andrée Gautier in 1990 for his book Au Creux des apparences and obtained the French Academy’s Grand Prix des Sciences Humaines in 1992 for La Transfiguration du Politique. A renowned international intellectual, he teaches both in France and abroad.
Abdelhak Moutawakkil has a PhD in civil engineering (École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées and Pierre et Marie Curie University). Former Director of Education for the MBA programme of the Ecole National des Ponts et Chaussées and the Ecole Hassania (a Moroccan public construction works institution), he is currently Director of Forma-Dev Consultants (a consultancy specialising in education, training and human resources) and Director of Sup RH, a management institution based in Morocco.
Paris-based lawyer Jean-Michel Quillardet founded the Observatoire international de la laïcité [the international observatory for secularism – an organisation promoting cultural integration] in November 2008 with Antoine Sfeir. He is currently its Chairman. He is also Vice-President of the Committee on Social Issues and Human Rights Education at the National Advisory Committee on Human Rights – an independent body associated with the Office of the French Prime Minister. Jean-Michel Quillardet has a PhD in law and is the founder of the chair in secularism at Sciences-Po Bordeaux. He teaches secularism at Evry University, France.
Alain Tobelem has a PhD in development economics (Paris-Sorbonne University) and is an accredited director of research in management (University of Nice). He is a graduate of Sciences Po, the Institut des Hautes Études de l’Amérique Latine, the CELSA, and Sorbonne-Paris University (Hispanic and lusophone languages and civilisations). Multilingual (French, English, Spanish and Portuguese), with a good knowledge of German, Italian, Arabic and Chinese, Alain Tobelem has worked in over 75 countries and for numerous international organisations:
- at the Centre International pour le Développement (CID), Paris, with Josué de Castro (geopolitics of hunger);
- at the UNESCO as an expert in functional education for adults and later in educational economics and finance;
- at the World Bank is an expert on financing education and later as head expert on institutional development;
- at the International Labour Office as a project manager for the Brazilian Ministry of Labour
An accredited director of research, Alain Tobelem supervises research dissertations in management. He also teaches management, project management and economic intelligence at the CERAM (Sophia Antipolis), at Portugal’s national administration academy, at the Institut International d’Administration Publique (IIAP, affiliated with ENA, France), and at the national administrative academies of Tunisia and Morocco. He also teaches research methodology at international universities in Nice, Shanghai and Hanoi. He heads the governance section of the FEDE Doctoral School
Rector of the Vasile University Goldiş (UVVG) located in Arad, Romania, medical professional and recognized professor, is the author of a thesis entitled “Morphological and clinical evolutionary aspects of myelodysplastic syndromes”. Holder of a master’s degree in psychology and psychotherapy, specializing in internal medicine and haematology, this eminent figure in the Romanian medical world teaches at the University of Arad.
Chantal Lapeyre-Desmaison is a graduate in Modern Letters, Doctor of Contemporary Literature and qualified to direct research (University of Bordeaux III). She is currently University Professor of French Literature at the University of Artois since 2010, and was Associate Professor at the University of Burgundy from 2004 to 2010. She is trained in classical, contemporary and baroque dance. Her current research focuses on baroque and contemporary dance, as well as on the status and issues of the body in contemporary and children’s literature.
Born in 1965 in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), Lazare Ki-Zerbo holds a doctorate in philosophy (Paris I, Panthéon – Sorbonne). He holds a post-doctoral degree from the Institut Catholique de Paris and taught at the University of Ouagadougou from 1995 to 1999. As a chargé de mission at the International Organization of the Francophonie, he has worked particularly on partnerships between international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and organizations of the Francophonie, human rights in business and treaties relating to the abolition of the death penalty.
Victor Towo Kamga, an executive at the Public Finance Directorate General of Bercy, joins the Scientific Advisory Board and brings all his expertise on the major issues of the African continent, public finance and law. In September 1993, he obtained a Diploma of Advanced Study (DEA) in Litigation Law as valedictorian of his class. In 2005, he obtained a doctorate in law at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. On December 5, 2013, he was authorized by the Beauvais Bar Association to take the oath after obtaining the certificate of aptitude for the legal profession following the success of the ethical examination he passed in Paris.
Patrick Vieu is an alumnus of ENA, a graduate of the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris and holds a PhD in philosophy (thesis on Adam Fergusson, Scottish philosopher of the Enlightenment). Today an advisor to the Vice-President of the General Council for the Environment and Sustainable Development, Patrick Vieu was also Director of Rail and Public Transport and Director of Transport Services at the General Directorate of Infrastructures, Transport and the Sea (DGITM). His career was also marked by a stint at the Court of Auditors and by administrative tribes (Administrative Court of Versailles).