Sector-specific partnerships are short-term or permanent partnerships between the FEDE and various clubs and associations, national or international NGOs and professional federations. They focus on more specific or technical areas. These partnerships allow the FEDE to carry out swift action on the ground. They help to promote educational networking in various regions, to develop innovation and to improve the employment prospects of FEDE graduates.
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European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE)
Founded in 2009, the European Federation of Education Employers (EFEE) represents and defends the interests of European employers in the education sector at all levels from preschool to higher education (HE) and research. EFEE is recognised by the European Union (EU) as a European social partner representative of employers in the education sector. It brings together 60 organisations across 26 European countries, including education councils, ministries of education, federations of schools and universities, and employer organisations within local and regional authorities. For the full list of EFEE members, please click here:
The FEDE’s status: The FEDE became a member of EFEE on 26 October 2023 in its capacity as an organisation representing several hundred educational institutions and whose main objective is to promote HE, vocational training and research.
Action: The FEDE supports EFEE’s vision and mission. It benefits from all EFEE’s services and can participate in the numerous EU-financed projects managed by EFEE. EFEE’s thematic priorities include the promotion of vocational education and training (VET), social inclusion, the transition from education to employment, raising the attractiveness of the teaching profession, and educational leadership. Cooperation with EFEE helps expand the FEDE’s network within the EU institutions and increase its participation in European social dialogue with the European Commission and education-sector trade unions.
The Geopa-Copa and FNSEA federations in the agricultural sector
The Employers’ Group of Professional Agricultural Organisations (Geopa-Copa) is a European federation representing the agriculture sector. It is recognised by the European institutions.
The FNSEA (Fédération Nationale des Syndicats d’Exploitants Agricoles), meanwhile, is France’s main agriculture-sector professional organisation and the French member of Geopa-Copa.
Action: Cooperation between the FEDE, Geopa-Copa and the FNSEA focuses on the skills needed to find a job in agriculture. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on 21 October 2021 in Malmö, Sweden.
The main goal of this FEDE/Geopa-Copa partnership is to create synergies between FEDE member institutions active in the agriculture sector and companies and agricultural holdings, thereby helping to ensure a good fit between the FEDE’s educational programmes and the skills needed in the sector.
The European Telecommunications Industry Federation ETNO
The European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association (ETNO) is the European federation of telecommunications employers, recognised by the European institutions in Brussels.
It brings together most of the national federations of the sector as well as the main European operators.
Action: The cooperation between the FEDE and ETNO focuses on the skills needed to find a job in telecommunications.
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on 14 February 2022 in Paris. The main objective of this FEDE/ETNO partnership is to create synergies between the schools of the sector N°6 “IT, Digital, Technology” and the companies of the sector, by ensuring the good adequacy between the educational programmes of the FEDE and the needs in skills of this industry.
International Association of Universities (IAU)
Set up under the aegis of UNESCO in 1950, the International Association of Universities (IAU) provides support to the global higher education community. The IAU brings together more than 650 members across 120 countries: universities, higher education institutions, other organisations, and affiliates. The IAU fosters expertise and trends analysis, publications, special platforms, advisory services, peer learning and the organisation of events across the world.
Status: As a degree-granting organisation whose main aim is to promote higher education, training and research, the FEDE has been an institutional member of the IAU since 1 October 2023.
Action: The FEDE supports the goals and outlook of the IAU. It benefits from all the IAU’s services and can take part in activities linked to the IAU’s thematic priorities: value-based leadership, equitable and inclusive internationalisation, higher education and sustainable development, and the future of the digitalisation of higher education. Thanks to its collaboration with the IAU, the FEDE is able to expand its global network of partners and to develop initiatives that will promote quality learning and higher education.
European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE)
Founded in 1990, the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE) promotes professional higher education (PHE) and protects the interests of the non-university European higher education (HE) sector at the European Commission and among other stakeholders. EURASHE helps to build a European higher education area (EHEA) and a European research area (ERA) by influencing policy developments at the EU level. It aims to strengthen the impact of innovative, high-quality PHE by representing PHE institutions and facilitating their cooperation with a range of stakeholders. It groups together 66 organisations located in 24 European countries and three non-European countries (Egypt, Kazakhstan and India): universities, polytechnics and professional higher education institutions.
Status of the FEDE: The FEDE, as an organisation favouring HE, professional training and research in Europe and beyond, became an associate member of EURASHE on 1 January 2024.
Action: The FEDE supports the work of EURASHE, which aims to favour transformation of European society through PHE. The FEDE has access to EURASHE’s communication, information and discussion platform and can participate in the association’s various activities: participation in EU-funded projects, the drawing up of position papers, thematic studies, the organisation of networking and learning events, seminars and lectures, institutional monitoring and partnership development. Thanks to its cooperation with EURASHE, the FEDE is able to expand its network within the EU institutions and actively help to promote PHE.
Lifelong Learning Platform
Founded in 2005, the Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP) is actively involved in the work of EU institutions. It brings together 44 European associations operating within the fields of education, training and youth; together they represent more than 50,000 higher education institutions and associations spanning the full range of formal, non-formal and informal learning sectors in Europe.
Status: The FEDE has been an associated member of the LLLP since the LLLP’s General Assembly of 27 June 2023.
Action: Through its cooperation with the LLLP, the FEDE has the opportunity to expand its network of partners in Brussels and to develop initiatives in favour of learning in all its forms, particularly with a view to advancing the work of the one hundred or so FEDE members involved in continuing education.
Erasmus+ ELNE Project
Erasmus+ is a European Union (EU) programme that finances projects across Europe in support of education, training, youth and sport. The Educational Leadership Network Europe (ELNE) is a project co-financed by the EU that aims to reduce school dropout rates, to improve the well-being of students, teachers and school directors, and to fast-track the digitalisation of educational institutions.
Status: Since 1 July 2023, the FEDE is one of EduLEAD’s 11 main partners. The project brings together 27 national and European organisations that are active in the education and training sector.
Action: Between 2023 and 2027, the FEDE will take active part in the meetings and activities of the ELNE project. The main goal of this project is to gather, develop and disseminate good practice in the field of educational leadership.
The Fédération des Entreprises et des Entrepreneurs de France (FEEF) is an important French professional federation with over 900 member businesses. It represents regional SMEs that supply food and non-food products to distributors.
Action: Through an agreement signed in 2018, the FEEF and the FEDE have demonstrated their commitment to the training of young people and have strengthened links between businesses and the FEDE’s international network of graduates.
The FEEF officially recognises the professional quality of the FEDE’s European degrees in business management. This strategic partnership is intended as a careers springboard for FEDE graduates. It improves their job prospects and facilitates connections between FEDE members and FEEF-member businesses.
Founded in 1962, the Fédération Nationale de l’Industrie Hôtelière (FNIH) is composed of the 12 regional associations representing the hotel industry (the ARIH) and hotel chains that run 3600 accommodation sites across Morocco.
The FNIH aims to promote the interests of hotels: it represents them before the public authorities, provides them with information and advice, and offers assistance with administrative procedures.
Working in partnership with its members, the FNIH plays a role in staff training, tourist health and safety, the management of hotel professions, and the promotion of tourism in Morocco.
Action: Through an agreement signed in 2019, the FNIH recognises the relevance and quality of the FEDE’s educational programmes and degrees targeting the hospitality sector: the Foundation Degree in Tourism and Hospitality, the European Bachelor’s in Tourism and Hospitality, the European Bachelor’s in Spa Business Management, and the European Master’s in Tourism: Management and Strategy.
The FNIH-FEDE partnership also promotes the development of the hospitality and tourism industries in Morocco, which constitute the country’s second-largest job provider and contributor to GDP.
FÉNA, the FÉdération française des Écoles de NAturopathie (FÉNA) has been working for more than thirty years for the recognition, promotion and institutional structuring of the naturopathic sector. To date, it has approved eight schools and has a network of 5,200 certified naturopaths in France.
Action: The cooperation between the FEDE and FÉNA is about the skills needed to find a job in the wellness and naturopathic sector. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on 28 October 2021 in Paris during a FEDE’s General Assembly.
The main objective of this FEDE-FÉNA collaboration is to create synergies between the institutions of the N°6 elite subject area ‘Sport, Health, Society and Education’ and the wellness companies, by ensuring the good adequacy between the FEDE’s educational programmes and the needs in skills of this fast-developing sector.
Association Nationale des Conseils Financiers – ANACOFI
Founded in 2004, ANACOFI is the leading French organisation representing brokerage and advisory firms in banking, finance and insurance. Its aim is to represent its members and defend their interests, so that they can practise their professions in the best possible conditions and with respect for their customers. ANACOFI represents more than 8,000 companies and around 40,000 jobs in France.
Action: the FEDE and ANACOFI signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 31 May 2024 in Paris to develop cooperation in training and education leading to qualifications in the financial advisory professions. One of the aims of this partnership is to promote financial education and asset literacy. ANACOFI supports the FEDE in its work in order to develop a high level of training for graduates of its member schools, and the FEDE offers ANACOFI its capacity for reflection and educational innovation in several of its committees and working groups.
Maison de l’Europe de Paris
Founded in 1956, the Paris Maison de l’Europe (‘Europe Centre’ in English) (MEP) is an officially recognised public-service association that provides people living in Paris and the Ile de France region, regardless of their level of knowledge, with the opportunity to debate European projects and programmes. The MEP is open to the public and offers an information service through its Centre Europe Direct. The MEP places a particular focus on the cultural dimension of European construction, conceptions of Europe’s borders, and democratic, educational, economic and social issues within the European Union. Like the FEDE, the MEP promotes the fundamental values behind European construction: peace, democracy, human rights, tolerance and open-mindedness. There are 34 Maisons de l’Europe across France.
Status: The FEDE has been a member of the Paris Maison de l’Europe since 2017.
Action: The FEDE regularly takes part in the seminars organised by the MEP on topical subjects relating to Europe. Thanks to its membership of the association, the FEDE has the opportunity to organise events in the MEP’s offices and to get involved in certain MEP activities, such as Europe Day on 9 May, conferences, webinars, and so on.
Founded in 2005 by a team of various teaching-related professionals, the World Committee for Lifelong Learning (WCLLL) is a French association that strives to promote a learning culture – understood as the possibility for everyone to learn and develop their potential.
The WCLLL addresses all aspects of the life of societies: cultural, civic, academic, social and voluntary, economic and institutional.
Action: The FEDE has been a partner of the WCLLL since 2013 and plays a role in improving professional training and access to lifelong learning. Since 2008 the WCLLL has organised world forums on topics relating to learning; the most recent, at which the FEDE was an active participant, was held in Brussels in July 2021 and was entitled ‘Towards Sustainable Personal and Professional Flourishing in the New World Context’.
Cercle Richelieu Senghor
The Cercle Richelieu Senghor is a discussion club that aims to promote French-speaking culture, intercultural dialogue and openness to linguistic diversity.
It strives to contribute to debates on these topics and to find new ways forward thanks to its dinner debates with VIPs, which address a range of topics relating to French-speaking culture from a geopolitical, social, economic, linguistic or cultural perspective.
In 2018, the club’s board of directors unanimously accepted the FEDE’s membership request.
Action: The FEDE regularly participates in events organised by the Cercle: its dinner debates, general assembly, and Richelieu Senghor Prize ceremony.
Since October 2023, the FEDE has been a member of the Cercle Richelieu Senghor’s Board.
Fédération Marocaine des Arts Culinaires (FMAC)
Founded in Casablanca in 2010, the Fédération Marocaine des Arts Culinaires (FMAC), whose chairperson is Kamal Rahal Soulami, is a nonprofit association bringing together Morocco-based cooks and chefs. It works to defend the interests of the catering sector and to promote Morocco’s renowned culinary traditions both within Morocco and internationally.
Action: FEDE-FMAC cooperation aims to help equip future professionals with the skills needed to find a job in the Moroccan catering sector. A memorandum of understanding was signed on 31 May 2023 in Casablanca, Morocco.
The aim of FEDE-FMAC cooperation is to build synergies between FEDE educational institutions in FEDE Subject Area 9 (Tourism) and businesses in the Moroccan HORECA (HOtels, REstaurants and CAfes) sector. Our two organisations will work together to align the FEDE’s educational programmes with the various skills needed in the sector.
Federation of Swiss Private Schools (FSPS)
The Federation of Swiss Private Schools (FSPS) groups together some 240 private higher educational institutions based in Switzerland. Its network includes a total of around 100,000 students of close to 100 different nationalities. The FSPS defends the interests of its members and promotes private education before the Swiss public authorities.
FEDE status: The FEDE has been a member of the Federation of Swiss Private Schools (FSPS) since June 2022.
Action: Through its cooperation with the FSPS, the FEDE aims to support the FSPS in promoting quality education. As an INGO under Swiss law, the FEDE aims to promote best practice in higher education and to nurture constructive cooperation between its Swiss member institutions and the 40 countries in which it is represented.
Association vaudoise des écoles privées (AVDEP)
Founded in 1940, the Association vaudoise des écoles privées (AVDEP) groups together 54 educational institutions located in the canton of Vaud, Switzerland. It is an associative, nonprofit and apolitical network connecting up general and vocational educational institutions. The ADVEP is a hub for skills and reflection on education, law, management and communications, offering consulting and other services to its members.
Status: The AVDEP has been an affiliate member of the FEDE since 2001.
Action: Thanks to its cooperation with the ADVEP, the FEDE aims to support the ADVEP’s work in promoting quality education. As an INGO under Swiss law, present in the Vaud canton, the FEDE aims to promote best practice in education and to develop constructive cooperation between FEDE member educational institutions in the Vaud canton and the 40 countries in which the FEDE is represented.