The FEDE Research Institute provides FEDE schools (and their students) with the publications and research work of its international researchers, Ph.D holders and doctoral students.
Organised around 3 divisions (Trends, Innovation, Governance), the FEDE Research Institute, through its work, boasts a high academic level, aims to shape tomorrow’s model, provides support for new management practices and enables companies to innovate, transform and gain in efficiency.
Recent productions from the FEDE Research Institute:
Book resulting from the Academic conference 2022
How can the development and usage of AI resonate with the educational sector?
The stakes are clear: it aims to examine the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the education triangle “teacher, student and knowledge” on the one hand and consider the necessary regulation linked to the usage of AI in education on the other.
To carry out this project, the Federation for European Education has organized a study day animated by seven international experts.
A collection of their contributions with a foreword by Mr. Villano QIRIAZI, Head of Education at the Council of Europe, this publication purpose a critical analysis of the media discourse on AI without neglecting the innovative initiatives for AI education and the service in education.
The objective here is to present how to teach and learn with AI, but also AI literacy and teaching and learning about AI.

Man and Europe

Man and the World

Governance and Europe

Governance and the World
To make FEDE’s DNA clearly visible: this is the major objective of the “identities” collection. Intended for teachers, professors, heads of FEDE network member schools, the booklets that make up the collection can and must also be of interest to an outside audience.
This is for a major reason: through six surveys carried out by members of the college of experts and/or the scientific committee, this work examines very current issues and shows how FEDE deals with them.
Dignity: a topical concept
Cowritten by Jean-Louis Bischoff-Campana, Director of the FEDE Research Institute, and Claude Vivier Le Got, Chairwoman of the FEDE, this short work examines the concept of dignity.
Given that the term ‘dignity’ is frequently used but rarely defined, the authors wished to plot its meaning with greater precision, tracing its development from antiquity to the present day.
While ‘dignity’ has taken on various meanings over the course of history, a core idea remains constant: the greatness of humankind. This greatness must be able to express itself through political structures and, more generally, in a public space that favours its deployment.
What does it mean to say that a freedom has been violated? Is dignity specifically human? Can robots and animals have dignity? These questions are examined by the authors of this booklet, which follows on from their previous booklet on humanism.
Reflecting on the notions of humanism, dignity, citizenship, ethics, research, and skills, the authors want to allow the FEDE to position itself clearly in the current intellectual space.
It is a pamphlet on humanism that constitutes the first stone of the said collection; here again the motives that led to such a decision are clear:
- the FEDE intends to follow in the footsteps of the European humanists of the renaissance and the great century, who, let us recall, were at the origin of an educational revolution;
- to follow the ideals of the past in order to build a desirable future guides the trajectory of the FEDE whose credo could be : To educate man is to make him more human, and to make him more human is to transform him into a practitioner of dignity, citizenship, ethics, research and competence in knowledge, know-how and being.
There is no room for doubt: the FEDE’s action is entirely stamped with the seal of humanism.
Book resulting from the Study Day 2018
“Contemporary Issues” Collection
Buy the book at Editions de l’Harmattan
“Religious Fact, Education and Enterprise” is the title of the latest FEDE publication.
More frequently than ever before, corporate actors are confronted with the expression of religious convictions. This subject is raising increasing questions, both from employers and employees or employee representatives. How to react when faced with an ostentatious outward sign, requests for leave that does not correspond to public vacations or even food claims? Identifying and proposing possible answers is the task of the FEDE’s latest book.
Transcript of a study day organized in November 2017, at the town hall of the 9th – day that brought together, among other guests, Michel Maffesoli (Professor Emeritus at the Sorbonne), Jean-François Petit (lecturer at the Institut Catholique de Paris), Yacine Himil (Director of a training institute for imams), Marc Horwitz (director of the Dictionary of Secularism) and Jean-Michel Quillardet (lawyer and co-founder of the International Observatory of Secularism) – the 175-page work directed by Jean-Louis Bischoff, director of research at the FEDE, wants to be a firm contribution to this very contemporary debate.
Fait religieux, Education et Entreprise – L’Harmattan January 2019
“Contemporary Issues” Collection